工业车辆用英语怎么说 工业车辆英语翻译

工业车辆用英语翻译为"vehicle dry weight",还可以翻译为industrial vehicle,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到81个与工业车辆相关的翻译和例句。

工业车辆用英语怎么说 工业车辆英语翻译

工业车辆用英语翻译为"vehicle dry weight",还可以翻译为industrial vehicle,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到81个与工业车辆相关的翻译和例句。

3. suspension of vehicle([车辆] 车辆悬置)

4. vehicle dry weight([车辆] 车辆净重)

3. Target vehicle has stopped. Tangos converging from all sides.

4. Go sweep the car. GPS download it see where it went and when.

5. i want to report my car stolen.

6. Person on outside special indust veh inj in traffic accident

7. Every car gets stopped now.

8. Attention all cars. Particular attention, cars in Lower Manhattan.

9. Move away from the vehicle.

10. The application of the genizer A78 in the tread compound of industrial tire was experimentally investigated.


11. Passenger of special industrial veh inj in traffic accident

12. Target vehicle identified.

13. And arrange for ourtransportation.

14. Get away from that truck. Get away from that truck!

15. As it happens, the cars are passing emissions--


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