吏部尚书用英语怎么说 吏部尚书英语翻译


吏部尚书用英语怎么说 吏部尚书英语翻译


2. You're with the Civil Service Minister

3. - Minister of Defence Yang Yu Xuan.

4. The convict Lord Fu is here to see the High Priest

5. Shangshu·Pangeng is the first-hand material to study politics of King Pangeng.

6. Official Yan recommends you and sent you here on your release from jail

7. He Ying, fourth-rank General of Royal Bodyguards, failed my expectations... and conspired with Japanese pirates... killing 76 lives in the minister of justice, Master Du's family, by extremely brutal means.

译文:原神机营提督御前侍卫贺英,辜负朕恩 勾结 残害刑部尚书杜悦来一家老少七十六口。

8. At that time, the Board of Civil chancery Sun firearms had been summoned, did not enter the lift wearing East Pavilion.

9. The Judicial Secretary is... my best friend.

10. i'm resuming my post in the capital

11. Minister Yan recommended me for the post

12. Recommended by Public Court Minister Yan...

13. My father is Lord Fu the ex-Minister of Rites

14. South Korea set speech, deep states of people. State observed for the town judge, calibration Book of Cibu doctor, and Shiyu history. Write a poem.


15. Cai Yong's epigraphs have the classical learning features, especially closely related with Shang Shu.




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