姓甚名谁用英语怎么说 姓甚名谁英语翻译


姓甚名谁用英语怎么说 姓甚名谁英语翻译


1. But i don't know your name.

2. i didn't even know his name.

3. When you think about it, it would have seemed like a crazy idea, even a few years ago, that i would swap my stuff with a total stranger whose real name i didn't know and without any money changing hands.

译文:你想想, 这个即使在几年前听起来都很疯狂的主意, 和一个完全不认识的人交换我们的物品, 而且我还不知道那人姓甚名谁 交易还不涉及任何金钱。

4. Your Highness What's the lady General's name?

5. 77% of all US freshmen cannot name both senators from their home state.

6. Mr. Arab, whatever your names is, stop!

7. [Sobs] Why, this house is so big,

8. i never knew their names, but they paid well, and never in marks.

9. She will not see your face, she will not know your name.

10. Everyone else does, why can't you?

11. When you think about it, it would have seemed like a crazy idea, even a few years ago, that i would swap my stuff with a total stranger whose real name i didn't know and without any money changing hands.

译文:你想想, 这个即使在几年前听起来都很疯狂的主意, 和一个完全不认识的人交换我们的物品, 而且我还不知道那人姓甚名谁 交易还不涉及任何金钱。

12. i will not rest until Nadia, wherever she hides, whatever her name, is brought to justice.

译文:不抓住Nadia , 就决不罢休 不管她姓甚名谁 , 逃到何处 都会被绳之以法。

13. Why chase her all the time? You even don't know her name.


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