指数基金用英语怎么说 指数基金英语翻译

指数基金的英语为"hennessee",还可以翻译为us spy,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到50个与指数基金相关的短语翻译和用法。

指数基金用英语怎么说 指数基金英语翻译

指数基金的英语为"hennessee",还可以翻译为us spy,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到50个与指数基金相关的短语翻译和用法。

3. The NEF found that people from island nations enjoy the highest HPi rankings.

4. Taking the crash into account, the oil fund's performance was essentially indistinguishable from that of a passively managed index fund.


5. A gold exchange-traded fund (ETF) known as SPDR recently became the largest ETF by value in the world.


6. Kst EiC Carbon Emission index

7. S L funds, Biotech funds. Gold funds, they were a disaster.

8. As a result, when the Shanghai 50 index dropped heavily, Shanghai 50ETF will have a great loss in the net value.


9. CMK Capability of Machine index

10. All of this is driving exponentially growing economic progress.

11. The Dow Jones industrial average (indu) lost 165 points, or 1.5%.

12. What are my dew points doing?

13. Trust fund, what do you mean?

14. it will grow exponentially.

15. You ever wonder why fund managers can't beat the SP 500?




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