分娩用英语怎么说 分娩的英语翻译

分娩的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  [妇产] delivery,其次还可以说成"labor",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到29个与分娩相关的短语翻译和用法。

分娩用英语怎么说 分娩的英语翻译

分娩的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  [妇产] delivery,其次还可以说成"labor",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到29个与分娩相关的短语翻译和用法。

water birth water delivery Wassergeburt birth in water ( 水中分娩 )

Delivery room natuary maternity pen Childbirth room ( 分娩室 )

parturiometer tocometer tokodynamometer TKD ( 分娩力计 妇产 )

birthing chair delivery chair obstetric chair o tetric chair ( 分娩椅 )

breech delivery breech birth partus agrippinus ( 臀位分娩 )

Destructive operation for delivery ( 毁胎手术分娩 )

abnormal labor dystocia Abnormal Labor and Delivery abnormal l labor ( 异常分娩 )

partal parturient puerperal natal ( 分娩的 )

1. i'll stay here until the birth.

2. No need of Cesarean, i'll have it a normal delivery.

3. Don't... don't tell me about the labor.

4. i saw Katrina giving birth.

5. She died during childbirth.

6. i take leave right now for foreign climes

7. Breathe deeply, as if you were in labour.

8. She elected to do natural childbirth.

9. i don't think that it's on a par with the resurrection, for example.

10. She wanted me to go to hospital for delivery.

11. i birthed them with pain. i chewed their food for them.

12. Witness... the beauty of childbirth.

13. Shule; midwifery; delivery; labor.

14. How many farrowing places for farrowing sow?

15. Have you ever seen a water birth?




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