林平用英语怎么说 林平的英语翻译

林平的英语是"  PingLin",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到67个与林平相关的译文和例句。

林平用英语怎么说 林平的英语翻译

林平的英语是"  PingLin",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到67个与林平相关的译文和例句。

1. lynden pindling( 平德林;登平德林;平林国际)

Balance of the Shaolin ( 少林平衡功 )

peak forest plain ( 峰林平原 地理 )

Phillip Lim phellollip lim ( 林能平 )

1. Oh, nonsense . O' course he's a blackguard, Pickering.

译文:山谷... 平的山谷,平的山, 平的山谷,平的山...。

5. Do my clothes belong to me or to Colonel Pickering?

6. Anxiety disorder; Depressive disorder; Sertraline; Doxepin.

7. Miss Eliza Doolittle. Colonel Pickering.

8. Pickering, why can' t a woman be more like a man?

9. No, Pinki, call him Pinki! Pinki!

10. itold Pickering we should have taken her with us

11. Pickering, i can' t hear a word the girl is saying!

12. -Ping was my best friend growing' up.

13. - to bravely fight, to stoutly dare"...

14. Well, after all, Pickering-- l'm an ordinary man

15. Thank you, Colonel Pickering.


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