海豚座用英语怎么说 海豚座的英语翻译


海豚座用英语怎么说 海豚座的英语翻译


2. And you always think you might have some legacy you can leave the world behind, and i was thinking of humpback whales breaching and dolphins.

3. We're not stealing a dolphin, huh?

4. Jasmine kind of has a thing for dolphins. i don't know.

5. - Aw, dolphins. Okay. Come on.

6. The next morning, all of these dolphin trainers will be lined up selecting the ones that they want for the dolphinariums.

译文:次日早晨 所有的海豚驯养师会到这里来 排着队挑选自己看中的海豚 带回海豚馆。

9. Dolphins are acoustic creatures.

10. Of course, Prince Dolphin.

11. The Dolphins lose! The Dolphins lose the Super Bowl!

12. if dolphins are to survive, these kids have to care about them, they have to connect with the animals that Alejandro and i love.

译文:如果海豚想要存活 它们就得照顾这些小海豚 这个叫弹跳海豚。

13. Some dolphins come playing near the boat.

14. All dolphins, porpoises, and whales belong to the order Cetacea.

15. One of the cleverest dolphins ― The Orca ― is also the largest.





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