君届用英语怎么说 君届的英语翻译


君届用英语怎么说 君届的英语翻译


3. Hi, June. - Yeah. That's it.

4. My heart lives for your heart but you do not see me

5. - it was your idea. - Okay, it's fun, Gilly. it's fun.

6. Horse General? it's Cow General!

7. it's Yakkun, her childhood friend and first love.

8. The paparazzi followed June on her date.

9. June, please don't tell anyone.

10. This is our first big one for the year

11. She loves him but he does not see her

12. Big Tin may attack June there.

13. is there an Ozawasan here?

14. As it is, this one might be the last.

15. Ever since you left me i've done





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