建功立业用英语怎么说 建功立业英语翻译

建功立业用英语翻译为"achievement",还网络中常译为"  to achieve or accomplish goals",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与建功立业相关的释义和例句。

建功立业用英语怎么说 建功立业英语翻译

建功立业用英语翻译为"achievement",还网络中常译为"  to achieve or accomplish goals",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与建功立业相关的释义和例句。

建功立业翻译为   to achieve or accomplish goals。

Is it wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously in combat as my father did?

2. it became my home 31 years ago.

3. Raised a family there. in Temple.

4. You know, family man and all that.

5. Butler Yee should start his own family now.

6. How can you lead the uprising with his help?

7. Old man sunshine was proud of his sun, And it brightened his day to see his little boy run, Not because of what he’d done, nor the problems overcome, But that despite that his disposition remained a sunny one.

译文:阳光老人为他的太阳而自豪, 看着这孩子奔跑就能让他心情雀跃, 无需他建功立业,也无需他克服万难。尽管他的性格依然阳光。

8. Not being able to build his own family and career

9. Plasticity means that there was always hope for our reason -- hope for our ability to rebuild that function.

译文:可塑性就是理智的希望 永远存在- 是我们重建功能的希望。

10. Since the time of our ancestors, the Takeda have never run from a fight.

11. We are pleased to have done some business with you since the establishment of our business relations.


12. We want to be happy, go to college, work hard, maybe raise a family.

13. sometimes your career has got to come before family.

14. Ranchers like the Wlers live in synch with the weather, and rely on its patterns, knowledge that's been passed down through their families over six generations.

15. You two must work together and succeed




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