身心灵用英语怎么说 身心灵的英语翻译

身心灵用英语翻译为"psychosomatics",还经常被译作holistic leisure,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到38个与身心灵相关的翻译和例句。

身心灵用英语怎么说 身心灵的英语翻译

身心灵用英语翻译为"psychosomatics",还经常被译作holistic leisure,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到38个与身心灵相关的翻译和例句。

The Mozart Effect ( 音乐身心灵疗法 )

Holistic Aromatherapy ( 身心灵芳香疗法 )

1. i'm tired in my body, i'm tired in my mind... i'm tired in my heart.

2. - i'm dying here, aren't i?

3. They're toxins that destroy the body and the brain.

4. Everything feels better, all at once.

5. i am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me.

6. i was emotionally drained, rather exhausted.

7. And i could relax around it and be in it.

8. =to the eternal glory of my country and people.=

9. CiPE; international College of Psychosomatic Medicine;

10. This treasure will cleanse you, body and soul!

11. Control appetite . Overindulgence clogs boby and mind.

12. my body and heart feel adorned.

13. My eyes are inevitably drawn,

14. Broken in body and spirit.

15. "both physically and spiritually."


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