内在用英语怎么说 内在的英语翻译

内在的英语可以这样说:  intro,还可以翻译为inherent -,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到96个与内在相关的译文和例句。

内在用英语怎么说 内在的英语翻译

内在的英语可以这样说:  intro,还可以翻译为inherent -,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到96个与内在相关的译文和例句。

2. inner power( 内在力量;内在的力量;内在能力)

3. intrinsic reward( 内在奖励;内在报酬;内在的奖励)

4. inner connection( 内在联系;内在行为;内在连结)

internal force internal dynamics inner dynamics inner motivation ( 内在动力 )

inner sense internal sense Inner Senses interior senses ( 内在感官 )

intrinsic connection intrinsic interaction ( 内在联系 )

compelling domestic imperative needs in inner intrinsic demand ( 内在需要 )

inner measure inherent measure ( 内在的尺度 )

theory of internal relation doctrine of internal relations ( 内在关系说 )

internalization of consideration ( 思考的内在化 )

1. Let's now try to gain control of the world inside us.

2. Namaste, which remember, means from the God within me to the GOD WiTHiN YOU.

3. That beauty is on the inside?

4. How many of those have you had?

5. You know, i care more about what's on the inside, and you have more on the inside than any of the horses over there.

6. Michael Sandel: Takes the intrinsic incentive away.

7. This is what i am on the inside.

8. it argues that civilizing is a natural feature of politics and necessary condition for public authority to operate.

9. -Where's Uchi? -Where's Uchi?

10. it's their intrinsic motivation.

11. - She has erflies in her heart!

12. And just look inside of me

13. Looks can be deceiving sometimes.

14. All ice on the outside and rotten inside.

15. Your insides, though. That's yours.




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