轻核聚变用英语怎么说 轻核聚变英语翻译

轻核聚变的英语是"laser nuclear fusion",还网络中常译为"nuclear fusion device",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到62个与轻核聚变相关的译文和例句。

轻核聚变用英语怎么说 轻核聚变英语翻译

轻核聚变的英语是"laser nuclear fusion",还网络中常译为"nuclear fusion device",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到62个与轻核聚变相关的译文和例句。

2. it turns out you can't do fusion on a table top despite all that cold fusion nonsense. Right?

译文:那些冷聚变的谣言纯属胡扯, 核聚变是无法在实验桌上完成的。

3. Now, fusion is often criticized for being a little too expensive.

4. With iron, fusion hits a dead end.

5. Now most of you are probably saying, well there's no such thing as nuclear fusion.

6. But inside a real star, fusion continues for billions of years.

7. Now, the fuel from fusion comes from the ocean.

8. Steven Cowley directs the UK's leading fusion research center.


9. Fusion is really, really hard to do.

10. But the fusion at its core is far more intense.

11. As the hydrogen gets used up, it slows down the fusion at the star's core.

12. Structural Design and Analysis of Cryostat Feedthrough for international Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

13. Now, i like fusion. Fusion's much better.

14. So it's a bit of a mix between a magnetized fusion and the laser fusion.

15. Gravity and fusion lock horns in an epic battle.


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