寸草不生用英语怎么说 寸草不生英语翻译

寸草不生的英语是"Not even a blade of grass grows.",还网络中常译为"barren",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到89个与寸草不生相关的翻译和例句。

寸草不生用英语怎么说 寸草不生英语翻译

寸草不生的英语是"Not even a blade of grass grows.",还网络中常译为"barren",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到89个与寸草不生相关的翻译和例句。

1. Not even a blade of grass grows.

寸草不生翻译为Not even a blade of grass grows.。

The grass is defeated and the stones are burning.

2. How is it that we can't reach our men, but he can reach me from some random Egyptian desert?

译文:真是怪了 我们联系不到伦诺克 他怎么能在那寸草不生的埃及沙漠里联系到我们。

3. A vast and barren desert, where little survives.

4. There was a UN official who visited last year, and he said, "They ate all the grass so there was no grass left."

译文:去年有一位官员 去参观了那个地方, 之后他说:“难民们把那的草都吃了, 所以现在那已经寸草不生了。”。

5. Nothing get into my way and survive

6. Far outside of town where the grass never grows and the wind smells slow and sour when it blows.

7. Some deserts are so arid, they appear totally devoid of all vegetation.

8. Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three Chunhui.

9. Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi.


10. This was once a desert where nothing could grow.

译文:这里曾是寸草不生的荒漠 This was once a desert where nothing could grow.。

11. No, i won't marry him. He's completely bald!

12. There ain't six trees between here and Canada. Nothing else grows but that has stickers on it.

13. No trees, no bushes not even a blade of grass to eat.

14. i want it plowed into the ground and sown with quicklime!

15. His brother, Set, ruled the far barren desert finding both strength and bitterness in his isolation.


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