藏骨堂用英语怎么说 藏骨堂的英语翻译

藏骨堂用英语翻译为"  ossuary",还可以翻译为ossuary,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与藏骨堂相关的译文和例句。

藏骨堂用英语怎么说 藏骨堂的英语翻译

藏骨堂用英语翻译为"  ossuary",还可以翻译为ossuary,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到66个与藏骨堂相关的译文和例句。

1. ossuaries((ossuary 的复数) n. 藏骨堂, 骨灰瓮, 骨穴)

2. it was well hidden, perfectly shielded.

3. - Possession and trafficking of drugs.

4. Tell that guy i'll sell soy milk as well tomorrow

5. - Dogaki wants to speak to you, boss.

6. "'Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.'"

7. Three small bones in the middle ear: malleus, incus, and stapes.

8. Xinhua Road Church several times his name, was originally called and young together, and then called DE Hope Church, later called the real Futang, now known as Xinhua Road Church.


9. it's called 'Musashino-do'...

10. RBX is safely used in the treatment of bone nonunion and has reliable effect in promoting the healing of bone.

11. Peek-a-peek-a-peek-a-peek-a-boo!

12. Bai Xiao Clan has existed over a century

13. Donna, Donna, he's just a baby.

14. My flesh, bone of my bones ....

15. Her remains are in a charnel house.




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