早上好用英语怎么说 早上好的英语翻译

早上好用英语翻译为"  guten morgen",其次还可以说成"  Good Moming You",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到66个与早上好相关的译文和例句。

早上好用英语怎么说 早上好的英语翻译

早上好用英语翻译为"  guten morgen",其次还可以说成"  Good Moming You",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到66个与早上好相关的译文和例句。

Well the morning Morning o.k ( 早上好啊 )

Good morning ladies and gentlemen Good morning ladies Good morning to you ( 早上好各位 )

Good Morning To You ( 祝你们早上好 )

Teacher good morning Good morning teacher helllo teacher good morning helllo ( 老师早上好 )

Good morning ladies and gentlemen You and good morning ( 各位早上好 )

1. Good morning, Mr. Whitaker. Morning.

2. Hey. Good morning. Good morning.

3. - Good morning, team. - Good morning.

4. - Well. Good morning, lady. - Good morning.

5. - Good morning, Honey. - Good morning.

6. - Good morning, Miss. - Good morning.

7. - Good morning, Bruce, Lloyd.

8. - Good morning, company. - Good morning.

9. "Good morning friend, good morning.

10. -Good morning -Good morning

11. "Good morning"? "Good morning"?

12. Morning. it's morning, everyone!

13. Good morning, Frau Speidel.

14. - He what? - He killed himself with a bayonet.

15. - Good morning, Francis, good morning.




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