栖鸦用英语怎么说 栖鸦的英语翻译


栖鸦用英语怎么说 栖鸦的英语翻译


2. From now on, you and Black Crow will be responsible for the money vault.

3. Breeding Ecology of Jay Garrulus glandarius sinensis

4. The Stormcrows rode off last night.

5. Muma, Yamikarasu and the Dark Stone!

6. That's when you take something... ordinary... and give it a iittle extra.

7. Sutekichi, you are not... you're not my son.

8. Hey, little blue jay, sing me a tune

9. - No, it's a parrot. - From the Caribbean.

10. - There's a printing station?

11. Raven Queen Unaligned Death, fate, winter.

12. And blue jays and red jays and green jays, pink jays and pink flamingos.

13. Hooded crows act as their bodyguards.

14. This one looks more like a corvid nest. Could it belong to the House Crows?

15. Your flock gets smaller every year.


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