什么是禅用英语怎么说 什么是禅英语翻译

什么是禅的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为what is what,还经常被译作what's cracking,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到11个与什么是禅相关的译文和例句。

什么是禅用英语怎么说 什么是禅英语翻译

什么是禅的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为what is what,还经常被译作what's cracking,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到11个与什么是禅相关的译文和例句。

3. Follow a Zen-Body principle.

4. i am sick of it. Alwayting on women...

5. - Come on."Make it so!" - ¶ Ah-ah ¶¶

译文:- 省省吧。"就当他是"(皮卡舰长口头禅) - 啊哈。

6. Grandfather always mention the phrase mantra in the end is what

7. Well, the eyeball was hooked out by a fisherman.

8. Emerging from that he entered the second jhana.

9. That's very Buddhist, isn't it? !

10. - A St. Louis expression? - No.

11. You're not on one of those Zen diets?

12. Taichi Zen is the name of his new tai chi company.

13. Careful what you wish for is my mantra.

14. Nothing. Just a figure of speech.

15. That's what he was always saying.


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