阴沉用英语怎么说 阴沉的英语翻译


阴沉用英语怎么说 阴沉的英语翻译


ugly weather ugly sky ( 阴沉天气 )

Beneath A Moonless Sky ( 在阴沉的夜晚 )

1. Outlook for the week continues to be rather gloomy.

2. That sullen, grieving look...

3. it was a Gray scene, greasy Gray, and the rain drizzled greasily on the pavement stones.


4. The man-made scenery of the Yangtze is spectacularly grim.

5. This is such a gloomy house. We're so alone.

6. it's a murky story; she was a pervert.

7. "And the skies are not cloudy all day"

8. i mean, look out the window, it's depressing.

9. it's been really New York-moody. Very gray and cloudy.

10. How tartly that gentleman looks!

11. They got sullen and suspicious.

12. That it's a little dismal.

13. Well, around you, i'm not gloomy.

14. And it was so dark and so foggy... that she got lost.

15. And the stars are black and cold

译文:群星也阴沉冰冷 And the stars are black and cold。




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