切合用英语怎么说 切合的英语翻译

切合的英语是"  fit in with",其次还可以说成"suit",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到47个与切合相关的释义和例句。

切合用英语怎么说 切合的英语翻译

切合的英语是"  fit in with",其次还可以说成"suit",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到47个与切合相关的释义和例句。

suitable to the occasion suitable to the break timely Journal of Shaoyang University ( 切合时宜 )

spur spur/promote intensive cooperation ( 促进密切合作 )

distant not realistic ( 不切合实际 )

1. Racer X works closely with our WRL Corporate Crimes Division...

2. Let'sadd highlight and to make it more realistic.

3. it actually happened right at the time we met.

4. We'll take every appropriate action once we've landed.

5. She'll have my seat by then, and you two will work closely.

6. He said you way had to find ways to work together.

7. But, you know, you have to tell people what can be done.

8. We're working closely with the FDA to make sure every effort is made to fast-track...

9. Uh, do you work closely with Mr. Agos?

10. Dump him and work with me.

11. As Grant would say, lots of answers, all of them reasonable.

12. We are taking what we believe are factually appropriate steps.

13. And we're gonna need your cooperation down the road.

14. Keep close cooperation with project groups and Litho group.

15. And because of that, we have to decide if you have the capacity to work closer with us.




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