风流人物用英语怎么说 风流人物英语翻译

风流人物用英语翻译为"truly great men of the time",在日常中也可以翻译为"a romantic scholar",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到22个与风流人物相关的释义和例句。

风流人物用英语怎么说 风流人物英语翻译

风流人物用英语翻译为"truly great men of the time",在日常中也可以翻译为"a romantic scholar",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到22个与风流人物相关的释义和例句。

1. truly great men of the time

风流人物翻译为truly great men of the time。

For truly great men, look to this age alone.

1. man of feeling( 风流人物;感男人;感觉之人)

Friend of Chemical Industry ( 数风流人物还看今朝 )

Sichuan Literature ( 千古风流人物之韩信篇 )

1. is that how you see yourself?

2. - You're a flirt. - Mm-hmm.

3. Don't waste our youth fruitlessly!

4. Maybe you're a Don Juan underneath that mild-mannered exterior.


5. i suppose she played around a lot.

6. About busting the top people, the rich people.

7. But i risk being kicked into the gutter by someone less holy than Mr. Baker.

8. And there hasn't been a multi-territorial predator since Jean De Salle, 1921, eviscerating Paris prostitutes and strangling widows on the Riviera.

译文:直追1921年开膛手沙尔 对女开膛破肚,绞杀寡妇 警方搜寻风流人物。

9. You're a really nasty person.

10. When coming across a brand whose boss is, say, a philanderer, they recognise it but don't remember why.


11. What you'd call affluent men.

译文:你口中的上流人物 What you'd call affluent men.。

12. And i'm not a second-rate queen

13. These are the truly great men who helped him make the music of the spheres.

14. A man should sow his seeds when he is young.

15. What civilized people aren't?


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