韩国牛肉用英语怎么说 韩国牛肉英语翻译

韩国牛肉的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为roast beef,其次还可以说成"Hanguk",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到60个与韩国牛肉相关的短语释义和例句。

韩国牛肉用英语怎么说 韩国牛肉英语翻译

韩国牛肉的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为roast beef,其次还可以说成"Hanguk",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到60个与韩国牛肉相关的短语释义和例句。

3. Sohn's anger was raised by the American ambassador suggesting South Koreans need to be aware of the scientific facts about American beef.


4. Anyway, i was telling you about this boy.

5. Beef and veal in their garden.

6. i hope you like pastrami, because they didn't have any corned beef. Now, wait a minute.

7. it's beef, lady. Fifty pounds of beef.

8. SouthKorea was the third-largest overseas market for U.

9. ♪ B-beef, beef, beef, beef ♪

译文:牛 牛肉 牛肉 牛肉 牛肉? B -beef, beef, beef, beef。

10. Julia Child's boeuf bourguignon.

译文:做红酒炖牛肉的牛肉[boeuf bourguinon发音很好听] Julia做法的牛肉。

11. it's Korean. From the guy who gave it to me.

12. Explosion of beef with ginger!

13. i had lentil soup, goulash...

14. Soft inside of a hard one.

15. Kenya's beef comes from the zebu cattle.





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