化妆间用英语怎么说 化妆间的英语翻译

化妆间的英语为"  Powder Rooms",其次还可以说成"dressing room",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到33个与化妆间相关的翻译和例句。

化妆间用英语怎么说 化妆间的英语翻译

化妆间的英语为"  Powder Rooms",其次还可以说成"dressing room",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到33个与化妆间相关的翻译和例句。

In the Dressing-room ( 化妆间里 )

Evil Girls Makeover ( 黑暗王后的化妆间 )

go to the powder room ( 去化妆间 )

1. i saw someone in Xiao Mei's dressing room.

2. All angels, standing by. We are ready to go. We are ready to go.

3. it's going to come out on this dirty make-up room floor!

4. i am now inside the ViP room

5. i'll be in my dressing room.

6. To his dressing room right after the play and so we did.

7. We were talking about the powder room?

8. -Joel found Dolly in dressing room five.

9. - And the dressing rooms...

10. i told Mrs. Bates she could use your dressing room.

11. She said she was going to the powder room.

12. My dressing room was always filled with red roses.

13. They're in the dressing room, so we're all set.

14. i'm gonna use the restroom, if you'll excuse me.

15. You take off for the powder room and that's the last i see you.


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