铁道兵用英语怎么说 铁道兵的英语翻译

铁道兵用英语翻译为"railway corps",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到19个与铁道兵相关的短语释义和例句。

铁道兵用英语怎么说 铁道兵的英语翻译

铁道兵用英语翻译为"railway corps",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到19个与铁道兵相关的短语释义和例句。

2. We found him down by the railroad trestle.

3. Not only you are impatient about the slow progress and delay

4. When there were fewer roads, cars, trains.

5. There were 5 cuts on Lucas Wagner, 9 on Hannah, 12 on Abigail.

译文:Lucas WagnerōΤ5兵澄勃 HannahōΤ9兵 τAbigailōΤ12兵。

6. "Toto Railway Terminal Station"

7. The railway tracks now led straight to the gas chambers.

8. A train crossing blocking our way, i know my way

9. Do you work for the railway?

10. This is the railway line and this is the road.

11. My father was a railroad man.

12. They're not on the map, though.

13. The rails are still powered.

14. it's not the tracks they're afraid of. it's what the tracks bring.

15. On the tracks, On the tracks?





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