aura是什么意思 aura的中文翻译、读音、例句


aura是什么意思 aura的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义和词源


2. 同义词和反义词

同义词:atmosphere, vibe, mood, feeling

反义词:unpleasant aura, negative vibe, bad mood, uncomfortable feeling

3. 用法


4. 英文例句

- The old library had a mysterious aura about it that always made me feel like I was entering a different world. (那个旧图书馆总是散发着神秘的气息,让我感觉自己进入了另一个世界。)

- Her artistic talent gave off an aura of creativity and passion that inspired everyone around her. (她的艺术天赋散发着创造力和热情,激励了她周围的每一个人。)

- The dark clouds and thunderstorm outside created a tense and ominous aura in the room. (外面的乌云和雷暴在室内营造了一种紧张和不祥的气氛。)

- Some people believe that they can see auras around other people, which reveal their emotional state or personality. (有些人相信他们能看到其他人身边的光环,这可以揭示他们的情感状态或者个性。)

- Before a seizure, some people experience an aura which can include visual or sensory distces. (在癫痫发作之前,有些人会有一种先兆,可能包括视觉或感官障碍。)

5. 中文例句

- 这个城市有着浓郁的历史气息和文化底蕴,总是散发着一种深深的气息。

- 她的自信和坚定让她在职场上散发着一种独特的气质,她的同事们都非常敬重她。

- 舞台上的灯光、音乐和演员们的表演融合在一起,营造出一种神秘而魔幻的气氛。

- 当他注意到自己身边的人一直在打量他时,他感到一种不舒服的感觉,好像有一股负面能量环绕着他。

- 在紧急情况下,他会感觉到一种奇怪的气息和丝丝的头晕,这可能是他的癫痫病症的先兆。




1. The famous singer had an aura of glamour and excitement.


2. The aura of the forest was peaceful and calming.


3. Many people believe that a person's aura can reveal their personality and emotions.





例句:I mean, you've got this aura thing happening, I... (我是说 你身上拥有这股灵气的东西 我...)


例句:And that's a fully developed visual aura, as we see on top. (然后在图片最上方就充分形成了一层可见的光晕。)


例句:With his four-car cavalcade, staff and security detail, Blair's star aura has not dimmed. (四车车队,工作人员和安全细节,这一切表明仍然具有明星光环。)


例句:The aura which, on the stage, emanates from Macbeth, cannot be separated for the spectators from that of the actor. (翻译:舞台上麦克白散发出的灵晕对于观众来说不能同演员割开来。)


aura一般作为名词使用,如在epigastric aura([医] 上腹部先兆)、epileptic aura([医] 癫痫先兆)、electric aura([医] 电击样先兆)等常见短语中出现较多。

epigastric aura[医] 上腹部先兆
epileptic aura[医] 癫痫先兆
electric aura[医] 电击样先兆
intellectual aura[医] 梦样先兆
kinesthetic aura[医] 运动觉先兆
motor aura[医] 运动先兆
nest aura巢味
olfactory aura[医] 嗅觉先兆
optic aura[医] 视觉先兆
psychic aura[医] 精神先兆


1. With his four-car cavalcade, staff and security detail, Blair's star aura has not dimmed. (翻译:四车车队,工作人员和安全细节,这一切表明仍然具有明星光环。)

2. The aura which, on the stage, emanates from Macbeth, cannot be separated for the spectators from that of the actor. (翻译:舞台上麦克白散发出的灵晕对于观众来说不能同演员割开来。)

3. If you see your aura as a thin white strip, you may be seeing your etheric body rather than the aura. (翻译:如果你观看到的气场是一线微弱的白光,你可能只是看到你的身体而不是气场。)

4. It's good to get caught up in the feeling of something, the aura. (翻译:那很好. 得到吸引是件好事... 对于一些事情的感受, 预感.)

5. Yes, Terian, I like to touch everyone my uniquely power for green love aura. (翻译:是的,贾里德,我想谈谈大家 有实力我的绿色薰衣草独特的光环。)

6. The film responds to the shriveling of the aura with an artificial build-up of the "personality" outside the studio. (翻译:在摄影棚之外,电影用一种人工制造的“人格”,来呼应灵晕的凋谢。)

7. "Absorbs battle auras"? The Happo Five-yen Satsu absorbs an opponent's aura rendering them incapable of battle! (翻译:我这被风林馆高中的人称为 苍雷的九能带刀)

8. Aura Gallery originated in 2000 in Shanghai, which has two filiated galleries in both Shanghai and Beijing at present. (翻译:亦安画廊auragallery亦安画廊于2000年在上海成立,目前同时在上海和北京设立空间。)

9. Everyone would have a special gift that fits her unique aura. (翻译:总之大家都有特别的礼物 来配合自己高贵的气质)

10. A lot of hair, bright nail A sense of brightness and light as if it were an aura. (翻译:闪烁在她的头发 美丽的指甲 亮度和光线的感觉 我喜欢一个光环。)

11. It was postmarked from London and had the faintest aura of grease. (翻译:从邮戳看是发自伦敦的,上面已经布满模糊混乱的油渍了。)

12. By striking this weakness, it heightens the sword's aura, shutting down an enemy's movement. (翻译:触及那份软弱后威力渐长的剑气 能让对方动弹不得)

13. Chris always had a full-body, purple aura every time you were doing acid. (翻译:克里斯总是有一个完整的身体, 紫色的光环每次 你在做酸。)

14. Remember that film with all the snakes in it? You said all serpents had an aura of evil. (翻译:记得那部蛇的电影 你说所有毒蛇都有气息)

15. And just together, that vintage and that chateau took on this aura that eventually kind of gave it this cultish following. (翻译:加上白马庄园, 两者的光环 最终引来一批崇拜者 )




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