moolis是什么意思 moolis的中文翻译、读音、例句


moolis是什么意思 moolis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Roh Moo-hyun and his wife stepped forward to extend cordial greetings to the guests. (卢武铉和夫人迎上前去,向他们致以亲切问候。)


例句:Htoo Moo carried his bag on his back, the dead rat in one hand, his digital camera in the other, occasionally snapping pictures of the exodus. (托默背着大包,一手提着死老鼠,一手拿着数码相机,间或还会对着逃难的人群拍上几张。)


例句:But I forced myself to acknowledge the fact that every time I ate a hamburger, a cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around. (强迫我自己每当我吃汉堡时要明了这个事实,就是,一只牛已经为此停止呼吸,不能再叫与走路了。)


例句:The ignorance of the textual coherence is one of many factors that affect lis. . . (翻译:影响听力的因素很多,忽略了语篇的衔接是其中之一。)


1. But I forced myself to acknowledge the fact that every time I ate a hamburger, a cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around. (翻译:强迫我自己每当我吃汉堡时要明了这个事实,就是,一只牛已经为此停止呼吸,不能再叫与走路了。)

2. The ignorance of the textual coherence is one of many factors that affect lis. . . (翻译:影响听力的因素很多,忽略了语篇的衔接是其中之一。)

3. Hiya, Sugar, here I am, and here's the Moo Goo Gai Pan. (翻译:日hiya,糖,我在这里, 而这里的武粘粘盖锅。)

4. Tae Moo, the reason I asked you to come today is to tell you to forget about all the recent events that happened and just to focus on your work. (翻译:今天叫泰武过来是 你忘了不愉快的事 全心投入工作 想说的是这句话)

5. So, hey, Lis, you wanna go see Judas Priest at Civic Arena? (翻译:那么,丽,想去城市竞技场看《犹大牧师》吗?)

6. Yong Tae Moo will continue to follow you, so be careful. (翻译:但是从今以后 龙泰武可能会一直跟着你 你要多加小心啊)

7. Kung pao chicken, spring rolls, moo shu pork, and the rolls, moo shu pork, and the pancakes. (翻译:宫保鸡丁,弹簧 卷,木须肉,和 卷,木须肉,和 煎饼。)

8. This standard solution was accurately prepared in super-clean laboratory with MoO3 and sub-packed in 20 ml ampoules. (翻译:本标准溶液以三氧化钼的在超净实验室中准确配制并分装于20毫升安瓿中。)

9. Lis, come on, we've talked about this. We'll get around to it. It's just... (翻译:Lis 拜托 我们谈过这事了 我们得有时间才行 只是...)

10. also, since Moo-myoung was charged for letting the King get hurt, he was removed from his post. (翻译:并且 无名由于保护玉体不周的罪责 被免职)

11. Your small number of Mama Lis restaurant did not improve. (翻译:你的餐馆的幌子也没帮上什么忙 对音乐好象没什么兴趣)

12. Daewongun used the rumours of the Queen and Moo-myoung to his advantage. (翻译:大元卫已经利用娘娘和无名的谣言 来制造这样的事情)

13. There is no other place in the galaxy to dine on delicious Dim Sum, Moo Shu Beef, and Peking Duck. (翻译:银河系里再没有其它地方能让外星人享受到美味的点心、木须肉和北京烤鸭了。)

14. He was baby cuckoo. The moo-cow came down the road where Betty Byrne lived: she sold lemon platt. (翻译:他就是塔科娃娃。那头哞哞叫的奶牛从贝蒂·伯恩家旁边的那条路走来:贝蒂是卖柠檬辫子糖的。)

15. Last night I went to a local restaurant "MOO" with some colleagues. (翻译:昨晚我和一些同事去了当地一家叫“MOO”的饭店。)




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