pucker是什么意思 pucker的中文翻译、读音、例句


pucker是什么意思 pucker的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:pucker是一个动词,意为皱眉、皱起、起褶皱。

2. 派生词:puckered是它的过去分词,puckering是它的现在分词。

3. 用法:pucker常用于形容皱眉,表示不满、疑惑、痛苦等情绪。同时,也可以用于描述物体表面的皱纹或褶皱。

4. 同义词:wrinkle、crease、fold。

5. 反义词:smooth。

1. Her forehead puckered in confusion as she tried to understand the complex instructions. (当她试图理解复杂的指示时,她的额头皱起了眉头。)

2. The old man puckered his lips and blew out the candles on his birthday cake. (老人用嘴唇吹灭了他生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。)

3. The fabric had puckered after being washed at too high a temperature. (由于洗涤温度过高,这种织物表面产生了皱纹。)

4. Her lips puckered into a pout when she didn't get her way. (当她没有得到自己想要的时,她的嘴唇撅了起来。)

5. The tailor carefully puckered the fabric to create a beautiful pleated skirt. (裁缝仔细地折起面料,制作出了一条漂亮的褶皱裙。)



1. She pouted her lips into a little pucker, trying to look cute. (她嘟起嘴巴皱了皱,想显得可爱。)

2. The fabric pucker at the seams after being washed. (这种布料在洗后会在接缝处起皱。)

3. The sour taste made my mouth pucker up. (那种酸味让我的嘴巴收缩了起来。)




例句:Try moving your lips into a small smile slowly. Then gently pucker slowly using equal strength from both sides. (试缓慢将嘴唇移作微笑状先,然后两边均衡用力,温柔的慢慢将嘴努起来。)


例句:So pucker up, baby, and prepare to lay one on me. (因此,皱褶,宝贝, 并准备一举奠定了我。)


例句:On the Casablanca soundtrack, Frank Sinatra croons "A kiss is just a kiss, " but this particular pucker is clearly something special. (在《卡萨布兰卡》的背景音乐中,弗兰克·辛纳屈低吟“只要一个吻”,这确实让人们记住这特别的瞬间。)


例句:So why is it that we love to pucker up? (翻译:那么,我们为什么那么喜欢把嘴撅起来呢? )


pucker一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in a pucker(激动, 慌张)、macular pucker(黄斑皱褶)、pucker cloth(皱面布)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a pucker激动, 慌张
macular pucker黄斑皱褶
pucker cloth皱面布
pucker cord折索,吊索
pucker factor[网络] 忧虑程度
pucker up使缩拢


1. On the Casablanca soundtrack, Frank Sinatra croons "A kiss is just a kiss, " but this particular pucker is clearly something special. (翻译:在《卡萨布兰卡》的背景音乐中,弗兰克·辛纳屈低吟“只要一个吻”,这确实让人们记住这特别的瞬间。)

2. So why is it that we love to pucker up? (翻译:那么,我们为什么那么喜欢把嘴撅起来呢? )

3. went at it with a flamethrower in the online video. Didn't even pucker the paint. (翻译:网上有朝它用喷火枪的视频。甚至没能把车身的油漆弄皱。)

4. Gotta pucker up and smooch his white heinie... just to make sure he writes a good report, so we can get an extra $50 a month. (翻译:我舔的白 只是要让他的报告写好一点 这样我们一个月就可以多50美元了)

5. Ladies and gentlemen, time to pucker up for the New York Rangers Kiss Cam! (翻译:女士们先生们 又到了纽约游骑兵队屏幕热吻时间!)

6. Woman: Take a step here. Okay, now I want you to pucker up. Pucker up big and lean in just a little bit, okay. (翻译:旁白:往这里走一步好的,现在我要你把嘴嘟起来嘟起来,然后靠近点,好的)

7. Forging defects of mould cavity non-saturate, crack, pucker and shearing edge avulsion, etc. on the astrictive clamps and operating scissors are studied by means of appearance and metallography. (翻译:采用外观和金相方法,对止血钳和手术剪锻坯出现的型腔填充不满、裂纹、重皮和切边撕裂等缺陷进行分析。)

8. I'd say we're dealing with a pucker factor of eight. Maybe eight and a half. (翻译:我觉得咱们面对的失禁因数是八 或者是八点五)

9. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris muscle, because it is used to pucker the lips (翻译:而其中起主导作用的是... 口轮匝肌 因为要靠它来噘起嘴唇)

10. See them pout, frown and pucker in the mirror and you'll soon find that the differences between two women are more than simply geographical. (翻译:看着她们在镜子里嘟嘴、皱皱眉、做各种表情,你很快就会发现,这两个女人之间的差别不仅仅是地理上的。)

11. See them pout, frown and pucker in the mirror and you'll soon find that the differences between the two are more than simply geographical. (翻译:看着她们在镜子里嘟嘟嘴、皱皱眉、做各种表情,你很快就会发现,这两个女人之间的差别不限于地理。)

12. Barney: Hey, ted, pucker up all you want, (翻译:嘿 Ted 再怎么生气也没用 我已经先你一步了)

13. Complications included preretinal hemorrhage, residue of macular pucker, recurrent retinal detachment, nuclear cataract. (翻译:视网膜表面出血、黄斑前膜残留、视网膜脱离复发、核性白内障发展。)






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