cam是什么意思 cam的中文翻译、读音、例句


cam是什么意思 cam的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , I would like to provide some information on the word 'cam' from at least three aspects as requested by you.

1. Definition and Usage:

Cam is a noun that refers to a rotating or sliding part in a mechanical device that converts rotary motion into linear motion, or vice versa. It is widely used in manufacturing, engineering, and other related fields. Besides, 'cam' is also a slang term or shorthand for a camera.

2. Related Terms and Phrases:

Camshaft: A shaft with one or more cams attached to it, especially one operating the valves in an internal combustion engine.

Camcorder: A portable device for recording video or capturing images, comprising a video camera and a videocassette recorder.

Cameo: A small character or role, often played by a famous person, in a movie, play, or TV show.

Webcam: A digital camera that enables live images and video to be transmitted over the internet in real-time.

3. Example Sentences:

1. The cam is an essential component of the machine that produces car engines.

2. I need to replace the camshaft of my car's engine as it is worn out.

3. She loves to take photos with her cam, especially when she travels around the world.

4. The actor made a brilliant cameo appearance in the comedy movie.

5. He forgot to turn off his webcam and accidentally revealed his messy room during the online meeting.

I hope this information is helpful to you.




1. The cam on the engine is responsible for the opening and closing of the valves.(引擎上的凸轮负责气门的开合。)

2. The security guard watched the footage from the cam to see who had entered the building.(保安通过摄像头观看录像,看看谁进了建筑物。)

3. The cam of the camshaft is used to transfer motion from the engine to other parts of the car.(凸轮轴上的凸轮用于将动力从发动机传输到汽车的其他部分。)




例句:Just a minute, Cam. Joe Cunningham, Whitney Cameron. (- 等一等 卡姆 乔·坎宁安 惠特尼·卡梅隆)


例句:Cam 1, I got a good signal. Cam 2, I got a good signal. (1号摄像机,信号良好,2号摄像机,信号良好)


例句:For applications with a central locking CAM please contact DIRAK. (有关中心凸轮的用途,请与本公司联系。)


例句:Cam, can we just be quiet until we get into the flow of traffic here? (翻译:Cam 我们能否安静一会儿 让我们先把车开出去 好吗?)


cam一般作为名词使用,如在differential cam(差分凸轮)、drum cam(凸轮轴)、druum cam([机] 圆筒凸轮)等常见短语中出现较多。

differential cam差分凸轮
drum cam凸轮轴
druum cam[机] 圆筒凸轮
doublelift cam[网络] 双升程凸轮;双杠杆式
eccentric cam[化] 偏心凸轮
edge cam[机] 边缘凸轮
double cam双合偏心盘,复式偏心盘
disc cam盘形凸轮
disk cam盘形凸轮


1. For applications with a central locking CAM please contact DIRAK. (翻译:有关中心凸轮的用途,请与本公司联系。)

2. Cam, can we just be quiet until we get into the flow of traffic here? (翻译:Cam 我们能否安静一会儿 让我们先把车开出去 好吗?)

3. All right, I got Cam's card. "Training goal: (翻译:好了 我拿到的Cam的卡片啦 正在养成的目标)

4. You can see the unmodified CAM template in Figure 2. (翻译:您可以查看图2中的未修改的CAM模板。)

5. In the next four lines, the god of the river Cam appears. (翻译:在四行,开姆河之神出现了。)

6. Oh, Cam, today? I gotta prep for my meeting with Charlie. (翻译:Cam 今天吗 我要准备和Charlie的会议)

7. At this point, I recommend that you save a copy of the unmodified CAM template. (翻译:此时,我建议您保存未修改的CAM模板的一个副本。)

8. Sweets, Caroline and Cam are with Bones. (翻译:Sweets 有Caroline和Cam陪着Bones)

9. Liquor store cam caught a glimpse of our mystery caller. (翻译:附近的贩酒店摄像头 稍微捕捉到这位神秘致电者)

10. There is something about fashion that can make people very nervous. (翻译:cam小池 小熊 时尚的某些特质 会让人忐忑不安)

11. Cam 23, bottom left. We got it. (翻译:Cam 23, bottom left.)

12. Cam says you might be able to do a virtual examination of the body. (翻译:Cam说你可能有办法 对尸体进行实质性的检验)

13. Not receiving Cam 56 from Barakhambha. (翻译:不接受凸轮 56从Barakhambha。)

14. The point is the easiest way to shut Cam up is to fire her for cause. Tell 'em. (翻译:关键是让Cam闭嘴的最简单方法 就是找理由解雇她)

15. Police have released security cam footage of the suspect. (翻译:警方公布了有关嫌犯的监控录像 Police have released security cam footage of the suspect.)




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