opacus是什么意思 opacus的中文翻译、读音、例句


opacus是什么意思 opacus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:His own daughter was working with the OPA to stop him. (他的亲女儿曾跟外行星联盟联手阻止他 His own daughter was working with the OPA to stop him.)


例句:So, guess what happened today? I found Opa's foot lock... (猜猜今天了些啥 我找到了爷爷的军用提箱哦)


例句:I have a goal in mind -- by me, Cus, Jim Jacobs and coach Kevin Rooney we set. (我有一个目标 吉姆 雅各布 教练凯文 鲁尼 通过这些最佳的团队)


opacus一般作为名词使用,如在libnetis opacus(暗黑眼红萤)、opacus stratocumulus(蔽光层积云)、promachus opacus(幽暗食虫虻)等常见短语中出现较多。

libnetis opacus暗黑眼红萤
opacus stratocumulus蔽光层积云
promachus opacus幽暗食虫虻
stratocumulus opacus蔽光层积云
stratus opacus蔽光层云


1. I have a goal in mind -- by me, Cus, Jim Jacobs and coach Kevin Rooney we set. (翻译:我有一个目标 吉姆 雅各布 教练凯文 鲁尼 通过这些最佳的团队)

2. He said: "Do not go back to Brooklyn, it goes badly." "I know a good coach." In 1980, I met Cus D'Amato. (翻译:他说遇到挫折 不要放弃 1980年我遇到了发掘 栽培我的教练达马托)

3. However, its linearity is limited by opa's finite open-loop gain, capacitor mismatch, and other non-ideal factors. (翻译:但运放有限的开环增益和电容失配等非理想因素降低和限制了它的线性度。)

4. This can used to generate high efficient optical parametric amplification (OPA) at desired wavelength in HF. (翻译:利用光子晶体光纤的这些特性可实现在所需波长上的高效率的参量放大。)

5. Liquid crystal phased array (LCPA) is a low-cost and high efficient form of OPA technology. it has general-accepting advantages of low driving voltage and be insensitive to acceleration. (翻译:液晶相控阵是光学相控阵中高性价比的一种相控阵实现,具有对加速不敏感、驱动电压低等独特的优点。)

6. However, while this finding was important, Cusi said this difference was not statistically significant. (翻译:然而,尽管这项发现很重要,Cus i称此区别并没有统计学意义。)

7. The point of the OPA was not to limit tort law but to supplement it. (翻译:OPA的意义在于补充,而不是限制侵权行为法。)

8. For resting cysts of Euplotes encysti-cus, in their various ciliatures, most of the ciliary shafts above the cilia kinetosomes are degenerated, or preserve their kinetosomes only. (翻译:包囊游仆虫休眠包囊中,各类纤毛器的纤毛基体上方的大部分纤毛杆退化,或仅保留毛基体,有时部分额腹棘毛的毛基体也瓦解消失。)

9. The point of the OPA was not to limit tort law but to supplement it. (翻译:OPA的意义在于补充,而不是限制侵权行为法。)

10. When I was a child, I listened to the Cus said, "I refuse to disappear" -- and But I lost it when I lost a friend, a mentor. (翻译:我喜欢听到人们谈起过去的我 所有的辉煌 但是 我失去了它 我失去了我的导师和朋友)

11. The one transparent while the mirror is opa... is opaque. (翻译:一种物体透明... The one transparent while the mirror... 镜子就是不透明的 is opa...)

12. Even so, the OPA was never popular. (翻译:尽管如此,价格管理局从未受到欢迎。)

13. The electronic structure, OPA and TPA properties were studied in detail. (翻译:研究了具有三分支结构的八极矩分子和低聚物。)

14. I had lost my faith in myself when Cus died, resigned. (翻译:离婚 我信任的亲人死亡 令我失去了人生的信念)

15. Ms. Anna Mae, a retired clerical worker living on a fixed income in Opa-locka, walked in for medication refills. (翻译:安娜 · 麦伊住在奥帕洛卡, 她退休了并有着稳定收入。一天,她走进诊室开药。)




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