pci是什么意思 pci的中文翻译、读音、例句


pci是什么意思 pci的中文翻译、读音、例句


PCI是Peripheral Component Interconnect的缩写,意为外围组件互连,它是一种电脑总线标准。PCI主要用于在计算机中连接外设或其他模块,例如音频卡、网卡、显卡等。从以下三个方面详细说明PCI的意义和用途。




- The new graphics card requires a PCI Express x16 slot to function properly.

- The sound quality is much better after I installed a PCI sound card.

- The network card can be easily installed into the PCI slot of the motherboard.


PCI也可以指“Payment Card Industry”,是一个安全标准组织,制定了与信用卡支付系统相关的安全标准,旨在保护客户的个人信息和信用卡信息,避免数据盗窃和欺诈行为。


- Our company is required to comply with the PCI DSS standards in order to process credit card payments.

- The new software update ensures that our e-commerce platform meets the latest PCI compliance requirements.

- The PCI council recommends that companies regularly conduct a vulnerability scan of their payment system.


PCI也可以指“Percutaneous Coronary Intervention”,是一种冠状动脉介入治疗方法,通过介入性手段在血管内治疗狭窄的冠状动脉疾病。


- The patient underwent successful PCI after experiencing chest pain caused by a blockage in his coronary artery.

- The hospital has a team of experienced cardiologists who specialize in performing PCI procedures.

- PCI is a minimally invasive technique that can effectively restore blood flow to the heart.


PCI是英文Peripheral Component Interconnect的缩写,中文为外围设备互连。它是一种计算机总线标准,用于连接计算机主板和各种外围设备,例如显卡、网卡和声卡等。通过PCI总线,这些外围设备可以向计算机发送和接收数据。PCI定义了总线的结构、信号和协议,使得不同品牌和型号的设备都能够相互兼容。PCI还有许多扩展版本,如PCI Express,提供更高的带宽和性能。

读音:[pi: si: aɪ]


1. This motherboard has four PCI slots for expansion cards. (这块主板有四个PCI插槽供扩展卡使用。)

2. My computer doesn't have a PCI Express slot, so I can't upgrade my graphics card. (我的电脑没有PCI Express插槽。)




例句:CPCI bus is the one with high performance based on the standard PCI electrical specification and a new open standard of industrial computer. (时序控制系统采用的CPCI总线是基于标准的PCI电气规范上的一个高性能总线,是一种新的开放式工业计算机标准。)


例句:Prof. Samuel Z. Goldhaber: For patients undergoing PCI, they might require supplemental heparin on top of the fondaparinux. (《国际循环》:接受PCI的患者可能需要在磺达肝癸钠的基础上辅以肝素治疗。)


例句:PCI DSS is governed by a consortium of five large credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB. (PCIDSS由五家大型的信用卡公司协会控制,这五家公司是:Visa、万事达、美国运通、Discover和JCB。)


例句:I have a PCI compliance issue with a website and I need it to be fixed. Please let me know exact budget and time of completion. (翻译:我有一个网站PCI规范的问题,我需要它是固定的。请让我知道确切的预算和完成时间。)


pci一般作为名词使用,如在pci extended(PCi 延伸)、pci.(abbr. pounds per cubic inch 磅/立方英寸)等常见短语中出现较多。

pci extendedPCi 延伸
pci.abbr. pounds per cubic inch 磅/立方英寸


1. PCI DSS is governed by a consortium of five large credit card companies: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB. (翻译:PCIDSS由五家大型的信用卡公司协会控制,这五家公司是:Visa、万事达、美国运通、Discover和JCB。)

2. I have a PCI compliance issue with a website and I need it to be fixed. Please let me know exact budget and time of completion. (翻译:我有一个网站PCI规范的问题,我需要它是固定的。请让我知道确切的预算和完成时间。)

3. The studied results of behavior of unburnt pulverized coal in process of PCI in BF are summarized. (翻译:总结了高炉喷煤尤其是大量喷煤中未燃煤粉行为的研究结果。)

4. The PCI-SIG provides the specifications for the various IOV technologies. (翻译:PCI - SIG提供了各种IOV技术的规格。)

5. The LVDS image acquisition card PCI-1424 is employed to carry out the high-speed image data acquisition. (翻译:利用LVDS图像采集卡PCI-1424对下位机传来的高速图像数据进行采集;)

6. Change PCI device booting order in the server BIOS. (翻译:更改服务器BIOS中的PCI设备引导顺序。)

7. Immediate PCI after CAG has some clinical value. (翻译:CAG后即刻pci有一定的临床价值。)

8. Results The most common infarction site of each age group with PCI was pons and the ordinary location of accompanied ACI was basal ganglia. (翻译:结果后循环梗死各年龄组的最常见梗死部位是脑桥,合并前循环梗死最多的部位是基底节区。)

9. Using intracoronary Doppler ultrasound, the team investigated further by looking at the frequency of Doppler-detected microembolism in relation to the incidence of myonecrosis during elective PCI. (翻译:利用心脏多普勒超声技术,研究小组进一步检测了在择期PCI过程中超声检测的微栓塞的发生率和心肌坏死的发生率之间的关系。)

10. Objective Cardiac tamponade is an uncommon but life-threatening complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). (翻译:目的急性心脏压塞是经皮冠状动脉介入性治疗少见但严重的并发症之一。)

11. PCI local bus, with its outstanding capability and excellent adaptation, has resolved this problem and become the main bus in the computer. (翻译:而PCI局部总线的引入,打破了数据传输的瓶颈,它以其优异的性能成为微机总线的主流。)

12. The studied results of behavior of unburnt pulverized coal in process of PCI in BF are summarized. (翻译:总结了高炉喷煤尤其是大量喷煤中未燃煤粉行为的研究结果。)

13. Central demodulator is based on PCI bus. (翻译:中心解调器是基于PCI总线的。)

14. Today, it's miniaturized into a PCI card that plugs into a standard computer. (翻译:到今天,已经可以把它装到一张PCI卡上, 一台普通的计算机上。)

15. These events include PCI I/O adapter slot changes. (翻译:这些事件包括 PCI I/O 适配器插槽的变化。)




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