administrator是什么意思 administrator的中文翻译、读音、例句


administrator是什么意思 administrator的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 工作职责:管理员是一个具有重要职责的职位,他们负责监管、组织并协调各项工作活动,以确保整个组织运转顺畅。管理员还需负责规划、领导和协调组织的战略和目标,并确保所有员工都以团队合作的方式为实现这些目标而努力。

2. 技能要求:管理员需要具备广泛的技能和技术知识,包括领导力、决策能力、沟通技巧、商业洞察力、熟练运用各种软件和工具等。管理员还应具备高度的组织和计划能力,能够处理多个任务和信息,并以高效的方式进行优先排序。

3. 职业发展:管理员对许多行业都非常重要,无论是、教育、医疗、金融还是企业管理,都需要管理员来管理和组织各项活动。管理员可能从最初的助理或中层管理者开始,然后逐渐晋升为高级管理职位,例如首席执行官(CEO)或行政总裁(COO)。

4. 软件和工具:管理员需要使用各种软件和工具来帮助他们管理和组织任务。这些工具包括项目管理软件、电子表格和数据库程序、团队协作工具、在线会议和视频会议软件等。


1. John is the administrator of the online forum and is responsible for ensuring the website runs smoothly.(约翰是在线论坛的管理员,负责确保网站运行顺畅。)

2. The hospital administrator oversees the day-to-day operations of the medical facility.(医院管理员负责监督医疗机构的日常运营。)

3. The school administrator is responsible for managing the school's budget and hiring teachers.(学校行政人员负责管理学校的预算并招聘教师。)

4. The network administrator is responsible for the security and maintenance of the computer network.(网络管理员负责计算机网络的安全和维护。)

5. The company administrator uses a project management tool to keep track of team progress and deadlines.(公司管理员使用项目管理工具来跟踪团队的进展和期限。)


读音:ād mín ǐs tréi tər


1. The website administrator is responsible for monitoring and updating the website content.(网站管理员负责监控和更新网站内容。)

2. As an administrator, it is important to ensure that all employees follow company policies and procedures.(作为管理者,重要的是确保所有员工遵循公司政策和流程。)




例句:rootkit is properly installed, the administrator will not be able to tell the difference between the original and a modified program. (Rootkit是正确安装,管理员将无法告诉程序之间的差额原件和修改。)


例句:Firstly, a suitable administrator must be appointed by the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (首先,一个合适的 遗产管理人必须由 新南威尔士的最高法院指定 )

例句:Minister, this is Mrs Rogers, the chief administrator. (大臣 这位是行政总管罗杰夫人 Minister, this is Mrs Rogers,the chief administrator.)


例句:Go to your Jetspeed portal and log in as an administrator. (翻译:进入Jetspeed门户,并作为管理员登录。)


administrator一般作为名词使用,如在document administrator(文件管理者)、enterprise administrator([网络] 企业管理员;企业管理人员;企业级管理员)、educational administrator(教育行政人员)等常见短语中出现较多。

document administrator文件管理者
enterprise administrator[网络] 企业管理员;企业管理人员;企业级管理员
educational administrator教育行政人员
estate administrator遗产管理人
Exchange administrator[网络] 系统管理员
financial administrator财务主管
general administrator一般遗产管理人
hospital administrator[医]医院行政管理人员
LAN administrator局域网络管理员


1. Minister, this is Mrs Rogers, the chief administrator. (翻译:大臣 这位是行政总管罗杰夫人 Minister, this is Mrs Rogers,the chief administrator.)

2. Go to your Jetspeed portal and log in as an administrator. (翻译:进入Jetspeed门户,并作为管理员登录。)

3. Mostly, Nigel Bentley seemed to be justifying the confidence placed in him by his appointment as administrator. (翻译:总的说来,奈杰尔·本特利的所作所为似乎表明,任命他担任研究管理主任是选对了人。)

4. The city administrator, Chao Praya Seena, does not seek to oppose the King's heir. (翻译:虽然, Chao Praya Seena 将军目前还没有谋反)

5. I'm an administrator, Ilya. (翻译:我现在是搞行政的,伊利亚我弄来新设备,我很开心 An historian!)

6. Alice Kelly recently went back to work as an administrator at Southwest General. (翻译:爱丽丝·凯利最近回去工作了 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Alice Kelly recently went back to work)

7. I'm a matterless administrator in an university. (翻译:汉密尔顿是一位严峻而干脆的行政官员。)

8. I rang the administrator the other day to arrange a visit. (翻译:我曾和那儿的主管见了次面 {\fntahoma\fs9\bord0\1cH00FFFF\b0}I rang the administrator the other day to arrange a visit.)

9. He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant. (翻译:他是地方的行政官员,也就是公务员。)

10. Appellee administrator denied further payment and filed a complaint for the return of the cashed checks. (翻译:被上诉人管理人拒绝进一步的支付并且提起诉讼要求返还兑现的支票。)

11. - One? The deputy administrator fell over scaffolding and broke his leg. (翻译:副主管绊在脚手架上 摔断了腿 The deputy administrator fell overscaffolding and broke his leg.)

12. An anonymous administrator was basically inviting people to join the page, and there was no plan. (翻译:一位匿名的管理员 邀请人们加入这一网页, 那是还没什么计划。)

13. You can ask our administrator here (Antonio Giraudo). (翻译:你可以问在场的吉拉乌多。)

14. To complete this phase, the administrator dismounts the set of reporting volumes containing the stale database. (翻译:为了完成此阶段,管理员需要卸除包含陈旧数据库的一组报表卷。)

15. The administrator role is required for you to register or deregister a base node with the administrative agent. (翻译:需要管理员角色才能向管理注册或取消注册基本节点。)


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