tausch是什么意思 tausch的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


tausch是什么意思 tausch的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




- Sie können Ihre Tickets tauschen, wenn Sie sie nicht nutzen können. (You can exchange your tickets if you can't use them.)

- Ich möchte meine Schuhe gegen eine größere Größe tauschen. (I want to exchange my ss for a bigger size.)

2.作为英文缩写'Total Average Unit Sales per Capita Household',表示人均家庭总平均销售额。


- The tausch of this product has increased by 20% over the past year. (这种产品的人均家庭总平均销售额在过去一年中增长了20%。)

- The tausch of our company has exceeded the industry average. (我们公司的人均家庭总平均销售额已经超过了行业平均水平。)

3.作为英文缩写'The Aesthetic Unity of the Universe',表示宇宙的美学统一。


- The concept of tausch is central to the philosophy of Schelling. (Tausch的概念对Schelling的哲学思想具有重要意义。)

- The theory of tausch is still controversial in contemporary philosophy. (在当代哲学中,tausch的理论仍然具有争议。)



- Mr. Tausch is a renowned scientist in the field of physics. (Tausch先生是物理学领域的知名科学家。)

- The Tausch family has a long history and rich cultural background. (Tausch家族有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化背景。)




1. Wir können einen Tausch machen: Ich gebe dir meine alte Kamera und du gibst mir dein altes Handy.


2. Der Tausch von Ehrungen und Ideen ist für das Wachstum des Teams sehr wichtig.





例句:A Beatrice somebody handles TAU. (负责威胁评估小组的是个叫Beatrice的)


例句:Since 2010, Hartl has used compelling arguments to convince others that tau is the more natural circle constant. (自2010年以来,哈特尔已引用了许多令人注目的论据来说服其他人T是更自然的圆周常数。)


例句:Sha Tau Kok Station, speak up I've lost a cow (沙头角警署,有什么事请快点说 我不见了只牛)


例句:TAU was called in two years ago when her jock ex-boyfriend Paul Watson decided he was gonna stalk her during their senior year of college. (翻译:两年前 她大三时 她的前男友Paul Watson跟踪她 TAU曾经调查过)


tausch一般作为名词使用,如在echinops latifolius tausch(禹州漏卢(药材学))等常见短语中出现较多。

echinops latifolius tausch禹州漏卢(药材学)


1. Sha Tau Kok Station, speak up I've lost a cow (翻译:沙头角警署,有什么事请快点说 我不见了只牛)

2. TAU was called in two years ago when her jock ex-boyfriend Paul Watson decided he was gonna stalk her during their senior year of college. (翻译:两年前 她大三时 她的前男友Paul Watson跟踪她 TAU曾经调查过)

3. Beautiful typographic map designed by Dirk Sch? Chter from Germany. (翻译:来自德国的迪克设计的漂亮的排字印刷地图。)

4. Still leading, Sigma Tau Omega, team number 1. (翻译:仍然领先,Sigma Tau Omega, 1号)

5. Just a few years time, emerged as decoration industry in Foshan City Jianlu Tau Kok a wonderful work. (翻译:短短几年时间,就脱颖而出,成为佛山市装饰行业中渐露头角的一朵奇葩。)

6. They meet in the middle, and they create subatomic particles like the charm quark and the tau lepton. (翻译:他们在中间相遇, 生成亚原子粒子 如魅夸克和轻子。)

7. We ought to be living in style over at Zeta Tau Mu, not bunking with young freshman, (翻译:是该在兄弟会过有型的生活 而不是和新生搭伙住)

8. The first one, the electron, was discovered in 1897, and the last one, this thing called the tau neutrino, in the year 2000. Actually just -- I was going to say, just up the road in Chicago. I know it's a big country, America, isn't it? (翻译:第一个,电子,是1897年被发现的 然而最后一个,这个叫做陶子微中子的东西 是2000年被发现的。其实—— 我刚才想说,就是在马路那头的芝加哥,但是我反应过来了 美国超大的,是吧? )

9. The first one, the electron, was discovered in 1897, and the last one, this thing called the tau neutrino, in the year 2000. Actually just -- I was going to say, just up the road in Chicago. I know it's a big country, America, isn't it? (翻译:第一个,电子,是1897年被发现的 然而最后一个,这个叫做陶子微中子的东西 是2000年被发现的。其实—— 我刚才想说,就是在马路那头的芝加哥,但是我反应过来了 美国超大的,是吧?)

10. Okay, so tonight, the men of Tau Sigma Kappa will be reviving a sacred tradition. (翻译:好吧,今晚兄弟会的男生们 要重现一项神圣传统)

11. I didn't realize you worked TAU cases. (翻译:我不知道你还接TAU的案子 Amanda...)

12. Dereck and Beverly Joubert weave their dramatic storytelling and breathtaking, up-close footage around a resonating question: Are Ma di Tau and her young to be among the last lions? (翻译:朱伯特夫妇通过戏剧性的故事情节和惊险的近距离镜头展现了一个能引发共鸣的问题:“狮子之母”和她的幼崽会不会成为地球上最后的狮子? )

13. The same was found for electrons, which have heavier siblings called the muon and the tau. (翻译:正如我们发现电子, 电子有重同类元素叫介子和钛。)

14. And the girls of Sigma Tau, sisters forever. (翻译:噢 还有Sigma -Tau的姑娘们 永远是姐妹)

15. Sha Tau army raid mobilize people Digong House, as expected, in the cellar after the Church found the bodies of missing silversmith. (翻译:狄公率众军头突袭沙府,果然,在后堂的地窖中找到了失踪银匠的尸身。)




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