repurposing是什么意思 repurposing的中文翻译、读音、例句


repurposing是什么意思 repurposing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:将某个物品或资源重新利用,以实现新的目的。例如,将废旧物品重新加工成新的产品。

2. 词性:动词

3. 词组搭配:repurpose something for something, repurpose something as something

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/riːˈpɜːrpəsɪŋ/


1. The company decided to repurpose the old factory as a distribution center for their products.


2. She repurposed old clothes and made them into a quilt.


3. The designers repurpose old materials to create unique and sustainable furniture.


4. The landfill was repurposed as a park and now attracts visitors from all over the city.


5. The company is considering repurposing their website to be more user-friendly.




1. The company is repurposing its old factory into a state-of-the-art research and development center. (该公司正在将旧工厂改建成一家先进的研发中心。)

2. Instead of throwing away the old clothes, try repurposing them into something new and useful. (不要扔掉旧衣服,尝试将它们重新利用成新的有用之物。)

3. The artist is known for repurposing found objects to create beautiful sculptures. (这位艺术家以重新利用已找到的物品创造美丽的雕塑而闻名。)




例句:This yields a true separation of concerns, enabling the repurposing of software components. (这就产生了关系的分离,使软件组件可以被重用。)


例句:As I mentioned before, repurposing can be challenging because of our prior biases. (我前面提到过 基于我们的偏见,发散思维具有挑战性 )


例句:We are repurposing the BCG vaccine, which had been used against TB for almost a century. (我们正在重新利用卡介苗, 这种疫苗在近一个世纪前 就被用来预防结核病。)


例句:And so he's able to tell a story about this blacksmith in Kibera and turn it into a story about repurposing technology, about innovating from constraint, about looking for inspiration based on reusing materials. (翻译:所以他可以知道 这个内罗毕的铁匠的故事 并且将这个变废为宝的故事写出来 这个故事也体现了“局限出创新”的观点 让我们看到了废物利用的许多可能 )


1. We are repurposing the BCG vaccine, which had been used against TB for almost a century. (翻译:我们正在重新利用卡介苗, 这种疫苗在近一个世纪前 就被用来预防结核病。)

2. And so he's able to tell a story about this blacksmith in Kibera and turn it into a story about repurposing technology, about innovating from constraint, about looking for inspiration based on reusing materials. (翻译:所以他可以知道 这个内罗毕的铁匠的故事 并且将这个变废为宝的故事写出来 这个故事也体现了“局限出创新”的观点 让我们看到了废物利用的许多可能 )

3. Join the Green computing group on My developerWorks and share your experience with repurposing old hardware. (翻译:参与MydeveloperWorks上的绿色计算小组并分享自己在旧硬件效用再造方面的经验。)

4. But actually, beyond functional fixedness and mental set, there's a real other challenge to repurposing drugs, which is policy. (翻译:可是实际上,除了固定思维和教条, 还有另一个挑战 就是制度。)

5. The lifeblood of Web 2.0 is in liberal use, reuse, repurposing, and combining of information streams. (翻译:Web 2.0的源泉就是信息流的自由使用、重用、再用和综合。)

6. And this is a great protection of a pedestrian zone, and the repurposing of some colonial cannons to do that. (翻译:这个东西对步行区起着很好的保护作用, 这真是殖民地的大炮再利用的好地方。)

7. And this is a great protection of a pedestrian zone, and the repurposing of some colonial cannons to do that. (翻译:这个东西对步行区起着很好的保护作用,这真是殖民地的大炮再利用的好地方。)

8. It may be the ultimate recycling project: taking retired shipping containers and repurposing them as buildings. (翻译:今天我们要介绍的或许算得上废物利用的极致:那就是将退役的海运集装箱改造为建筑。)

9. The past decade has seen attempts to thwart the disease by injecting vaccines, targeting stem cells and repurposing proteins. (翻译:过去的十年见证了各种抵抗癌症的方法,包括接种疫苗,以干细胞为研究目标,以及重复利用蛋白质。)

10. It may be the ultimate recycling project: taking retired shipping containers and repurposing them as buildings. (翻译:今天我们要介绍的或许算得上废物利用的极致:那就是将退役的海运集装箱改造为建筑。)

11. "We are repurposing a really cheap and important drug for worm control potentially to control malaria, " he said. (翻译:“我们重用一个很便宜的和重要的地那龙线虫控制潜在的控制疟疾的药物,”他说。)

12. And so he's able to tell a story about this blacksmith in Kibera and turn it into a story about repurposing technology, about innovating from constraint, about looking for inspiration based on reusing materials. (翻译:所以他可以知道 这个内罗毕的铁匠的故事 并且将这个变废为宝的故事写出来 这个故事也体现了“局限出创新”的观点 让我们看到了废物利用的许多可能)

13. Second, we need new kinds of partnerships between academia and government and the private sector and patient organizations, just like the one I've been describing here, in terms of the way in which we could go after repurposing new compounds. (翻译:其次,我们需要新型的合作关系 在学术界,,私有部门 以及病人组织间,跟我刚才提到的一样 然后利用这种关系进行药物再定位 )

14. This yields a true separation of concerns, enabling the repurposing of software components. (翻译:这就产生了关系的分离,使软件组件可以被重用。)

15. A decidedly non-technical example is the repurposing of traditional breakfast cereal into the "breakfast bar. " (翻译:一个明显的非技术性的例子是传统早餐进入“早餐吧”的重新搭配。)




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