banco是什么意思 banco的中文翻译、读音、例句


banco是什么意思 banco的中文翻译、读音、例句


"Banco" 是一个西班牙语单词,通常被翻译为 "银行"。作为缩写词,它可以有不同的含义,以下是至少四个方面的解释:

1. 银行(Banking):在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中,“banco”这个词通常被用来指代银行。


- Estoy yendo al banco a sacar dinero. (I am going to the bank to withdraw money.)

- El banco ofrecerá una hipoteca a una tasa de interés muy baja. (The bank will offer a mortgage at a very low interest rate.)

2. 世界银行(World Bank):在一些拉丁美洲国家,“banco”可以指代世界银行,即国际复兴开发银行。


- La ayuda financiera del banco Mundial es crucial para el desarrollo de muchos países en vías de desarrollo. (The financial aid from the World Bank is crucial for the development of many developing countries.)

- El banco mundial ha promovido políticas que han mejorado la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo. (The World Bank has promoted policies that have improved the lives of millions of people worldwide.)

3. Banco de Dados(Database):在一些葡语国家,banco 这个词可以用来指代数据库。


- O banco de dados contém informações importantes sobre os clientes da empresa. (The database contains important information about the company's clients.)

- Precisamos atualizar o banco de dados com informações mais recentes. (We need to update the database with more recent information.)

4. Banco de Sangue(Blood bank):在一些葡语国家,banco 这个词也可以用来指代血库。


- O banco de sangue está precisando de doações. (The blood bank is in need of donations.)

- A pessoa que doa sangue pode salvar a vida de outras que precisam de transfusão. (The person who donates blood can save the lives of others who need transfusions.)

以上是对 "banco" 这个词汇的不同解释,接下来提供一些例句:

1. I need to go to the bank to deposit some money.


2. The World Bank approved a loan to support the country's infrastructure development.


3. This database contains all the information about our customers' purchases.


4. The blood bank provides safe and clean blood for transfusion.


5. The Banco Santander is one of the largest banks in Spain.



读音:bǎn kè


1. Necesito ir al banco para sacar dinero. (我需要去银行取钱。)

2. El banco de datos está lleno de información valiosa. (数据库里充满了有价值的信息。)

3. La pareja decidió sent en el banco del parque a descansar. (这对情侣决定坐在公园的长凳上休息。)




例句:Felloni says the archival discoveries he has made will overturn this negative portrayal of the Banco di San Giorgio. (费罗尼表示,他在档案中的发现将推翻圣乔治银行的负面形象。)


例句:For more on plans by the Banco Central do Brasil to raise interest rates, see this post on my website. (想了解更多关于巴西中央银行增长利率计划的情况,请参阅我网页上的帖子。)


例句:Forbes said that in Angola, the president's daughter sits on the board of Banco BIC and is reported to own a 25% stake in the bank. (《福布斯》称,在安哥拉,总统的女儿坐在银行BIC的董事会,和报道的在银行拥有25%的股权)

4.独自应对庄家的全部赌注 、全吃

例句:Like its domestic peers, Banco Espirito Santo controls a bank in oil-rich Angola, BES Angola. (翻译:和其他国内同行一样,BancoEspiritoSanto在石油资源丰富的安哥拉控制着一家银行BESAngola。)


banco一般作为名词、感叹词使用,如在in banco([网络] 在巴可)、El Banco([地名] 埃尔班科 ( 巴拿、哥伦 ))、to go banco(赌全锅)等常见短语中出现较多。

in banco[网络] 在巴可
El Banco[地名] 埃尔班科 ( 巴拿、哥伦 )
to go banco赌全锅
Maso di Banco[网络] 马索
Nanni di Banco[网络] 南尼·迪·邦柯


1. Forbes said that in Angola, the president's daughter sits on the board of Banco BIC and is reported to own a 25% stake in the bank. (翻译:《福布斯》称,在安哥拉,总统的女儿坐在银行BIC的董事会,和报道的在银行拥有25%的股权)

2. Like its domestic peers, Banco Espirito Santo controls a bank in oil-rich Angola, BES Angola. (翻译:和其他国内同行一样,BancoEspiritoSanto在石油资源丰富的安哥拉控制着一家银行BESAngola。)

3. Banco de Paul Lucas, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. (翻译:路卡斯德宝银行 西班牙港,千里达岛,托巴)

4. Disappeared for a while Only to turn up as Banco di Santo Spirito (翻译:消声匿迹一段时间以后 成了圣斯比托大主教)

5. With simplified spelling, we would normalize etymology in the same place we do now: in etymological dictionaries. (翻译:和存钱的banco银行啊, 也没有混淆我们穿的礼服traje和trajimos。)

6. Walter Bayly of Peru's Banco DE credito points out that foreign Banks are already free to set up in his country. (翻译:秘鲁Banco de credito银行的Walter Bayly指出,外国银行已经可以在秘鲁自由建立。)

7. Finance is handled by Banco Azteca, a Salinas company which specialises in lending to people with low incomes. (翻译:金融是由阿兹台克银行负责,它是一家萨利纳斯集团下属的专门贷款给低收入的人的银行。)

8. Spain's Banco Santander released details of its planned initial public offering for its Brazilian subsidiary. (翻译:西班牙桑坦德银行公布了其关于对巴西提供援助的初步公众计划细节。)

9. It also monitors the Internet traffic generated when visiting websites related with Banco do Brasil. (翻译:它还能监视在访问与BancodoBrasil相关站点所产生的网络传输信息。)

10. In an exchange of e-mails, Ferguson told me the Banco di San Giorgio was "a hugely important institution, there is no doubt" . (翻译:在同弗格森的一次电邮交流中,他告诉我,圣乔治银行“是一个非常重要的机构,这一点毫无疑问”。)

11. It's going to el banco islas, account 9129483. (翻译:要转移到群岛银行去 账号是9129483)

12. Swaps on Banco Espirito rose to a record, while contracts on BBVA climbed to the highest level in more than four months. (翻译:葡萄牙圣灵银行的违约掉期当日创下新高,达到4个多月来最高水平。)

13. Banco CAM was seized in July.Others could follow. (翻译:七月份CAM银行也被相继“攻占”,其他金融机构也紧跟其后。)

14. I spoke to Mr. Ruiz at Banco Nacional de San Sebastian. (翻译:哇,我和圣塞瓦斯蒂安国民银行 的路易兹先生谈过了)

15. Societe Generale SA and Banco Santander SA led banking shares lower. (翻译:法国兴业银行和西班牙桑坦德银行领跌银行股。)




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