critter是什么意思 critter的中文翻译、读音、例句


critter是什么意思 critter的中文翻译、读音、例句









(a)I saw a cute little critter in my backyard this morning!(今天早上我在后院看到了一只可爱的小动物!)

(b)Don't touch that critter, it might be poisonous!(别碰那个小动物,它可能是有毒的!)

(c)I don't want any critters in my house, they give me the creeps.(我不想让任何小动物进我的房子,它们让我毛骨悚然。)

(d)He's a real critter, always playing practical jokes on his friends.(他是个很会开玩笑的人,总是拿他的朋友开心。)

(e)The cat was chasing a critter all around the yard.(猫在院子里追逐一只小动物。)




1. My backyard is full of critters like squirrels and rabbits.


2. That guy is a real critter, always complaining and causing trouble.


critter在英语中代表"生物 、……样的人"的意思,作为名词时有"动物"的意思,发音音标为['kritә],critter来源于英语,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到54个与critter相关的例句。



例句:When that critter's taken care of, you'll put your mark on the silo right next to mine. (你处理完那些野人之后 就可以在我的标记旁边印上你自己的了)


例句:Ora, I've seen our boy stand agaze and breathless at the wonderment of bird and critter wind, rain, the sun and the moon just like I stood when I was a boy in the forest. (他总会长大的 奥莉 我看到儿子喜欢大自然的一切)


例句:My brother and I were camping and the weirdest critter got in our tent. (我跟我兄弟在露营... ...有个非常古怪的东西跑到帐篷里)


例句:The critter cam reveals at least one other bull in the region, which raises the intriguing possibility that these sharks may be interacting. (翻译:动物摄像机发现此区域内至少还有另一只牛鲨,而这一事实诱发了这些鲨鱼可能相互交流的引人关注的可能性。)


1. My brother and I were camping and the weirdest critter got in our tent. (翻译:我跟我兄弟在露营... ...有个非常古怪的东西跑到帐篷里)

2. The critter cam reveals at least one other bull in the region, which raises the intriguing possibility that these sharks may be interacting. (翻译:动物摄像机发现此区域内至少还有另一只牛鲨,而这一事实诱发了这些鲨鱼可能相互交流的引人关注的可能性。)

3. Every time I'd come up with a crazy cartoon character on the drawing board, I'd find a critter in the ocean that was even crazier. (翻译:每次我在画板上构思出一个疯狂的卡通人物。我可以在海洋里找到一个更疯狂的小家伙。)

4. Now this little critter, it's only about half a millimeter in size, not terribly charismatic. (翻译:现在这个小的生物,它只有大约半毫米的大小, 不是非常有魅力。)

5. Every time I'd come up with a crazy cartoon character on the drawing board, I'd find a critter in the ocean that was even crazier. (翻译:每次我在画板上构思出一个疯狂的卡通人物。我可以在海洋里找到一个更疯狂的小家伙。)

6. we caught us a cave-dweIling critter that no man in these parts has seen before. (翻译:我们抓到一只穴居野兽... 在我们从没去过的地方抓到的)

7. By the end of his energetic daydreaming, Little Critter is so tired he has to go to bed. (翻译:最后,我们这个精力充沛的小怪物实在是想不动了,累得睡觉去了。)

8. Well, Miss Lucy, when witches get a critter's blood on folks' clothes, why, that mean the person gonna... (翻译:嗯,露茜 如果女巫得到 一个人衣服上的血迹 那就意味着)

9. I'll take care of the critter, Poppa. It won't stand a chance. (翻译:我会解决掉野人的 爸爸 偷我们的食物 他想都别想)

10. I mean, a culture that just views a pig as a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure to be manipulated by whatever creative design that humans can foist on that critter will probably view individuals within its community and other cultures in the community of nations (翻译:我觉得,如果一个文明社会 只会把一头猪看作是一堆没有生命的肉 一堆可以让人类把各种所谓创新的念头)

11. Not only does it do that; if you took the genome -- that synthetic genome -- and you plugged it into a different critter, like yeast, you now turn that yeast into Mycoplasma. (翻译:不仅如此,你可以将自己的基因组和合成的基因组 移植到另外一种生命体内,比如酵母上 于是它就变成了支原体酵母)

12. Not only does it do that; if you took the genome -- that synthetic genome -- and you plugged it into a different critter, like yeast, you now turn that yeast into Mycoplasma. (翻译:不仅如此,你可以将自己的基因组和合成的基因组 移植到另外一种生命体内,比如酵母上 于是它就变成了支原体酵母 )

13. We could use that critter. How about we trade? (翻译:这个小东西或许对我们有用 我们交换怎么样)

14. They can throw out a target -- it's a carpet shaped like a seal -- and in will come a white shark, a curious critter that will come right up to our 16-ft. boat. (翻译:他们扔出一个诱饵 一个形似海豹的毛毯 不一会,一个好奇的白鲨就会游来 不久他就会被抓到我们16英尺长的船上。)

15. Some of the critter's combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre. (翻译:这种生物的一些战斗策略看起来很野蛮,或者完全是怪异的。)




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