stifle是什么意思 stifle的中文翻译、读音、例句


stifle是什么意思 stifle的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 经济方面:在经济学中,stifle指抑制或阻碍市场的发展或竞争。


1. The government's strict regulations stifle business innovation. (的严格法规抑制了商业创新。)

2. The monopoly stifle competition and drive up prices. (垄断阻碍竞争并推高价格。)

2. 健康方面:在医学上,stifle指阻塞或限制呼吸。


1. The patient was struggling to breathe as his airway was stifled by phlegm. (由于痰液阻塞气道,病人呼吸困难。)

2. Pollution has been shown to stifle lung function and increase the risk of respiratory diseases. (染已被证明会限制肺功能并增加呼吸道疾病的风险。)

3. 情感方面:stifle也可以指扼杀感情,阻止个人自由表达。


1. The strict household rules stifled the child's creativity and self-expression. (严格的家庭规定扼杀了孩子的创造力和自我表达。)

2. The woman felt stifled in her marriage and desired more . (这个女人感到在婚姻中被限制了,渴望更多的自由。)


1. The strict censorship stifled free speech and creativity. (严厉的制度扼杀了和创造力。)

2. The room was stiflingly hot and airless. (房间里热得让人窒息。)

3. The father stifled his son's dreams of becoming an artist, insisting that he pursue a more practical career. (父亲扼杀了儿子成为艺术家的梦想,坚持让他追求更实际的职业。)

4. The government's bureaucratic procedures stifle entrepreneurship and innovation. (的官僚程序阻碍了创业和创新。)

5. The journalist felt that the lack of of the press in the country was stifling her ability to report on important issues. (这位记者觉得这个国家的新闻自由缺乏,这限制了她报道重要问题的能力。)





1. His cough was so bad that he could barely stifle it. (他的咳嗽太厉害了,他几乎无法压制它。)

2. She tried to stifle a yawn during the boring lecture. (在无聊的讲座中,她试图忍住打哈欠。)

3. The government's censorship policies stifle free speech. (的政策扼杀了自由言论。)




例句:Now, in this paradox between love and desire, what seems to be so puzzling is that the very ingredients that nurture love -- mutuality, reciprocity, protection, worry, responsibility for the other -- are sometimes the very ingredients that stifle desire. (在爱与欲这对矛盾体里 令人不解的是那些滋润着爱的养分------ 相依相伴、互惠、 爱护有加、担心、和为对方肩负起来的责任 这些东西有时也会抑制。)


例句:She managed to stifle a yawn. (她忍住了呵欠。)


例句:State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative. (国家官僚体制会压抑人的进取心和积极性。)


例句:But the bigger issue is that global gridlock is going to stifle economic growth and our ability to deliver food and health care, particularly to people that live in city centers. (翻译:而更大的问题是 全球的交通拥堵 将严重威胁经济增长 扼杀我们运输食物 提供医疗服务的能力 尤其是向生活在城市中心的人们)


stifle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在stifle bone([医] 后膝骨, 髌骨(马))、stifle joint((四足动物)膝关节)、stifle joints([医] 后膝关节(马))等常见短语中出现较多。

stifle bone[医] 后膝骨, 髌骨(马)
stifle joint(四足动物)膝关节
stifle joints[医] 后膝关节(马)


1. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative. (翻译:国家官僚体制会压抑人的进取心和积极性。)

2. But the bigger issue is that global gridlock is going to stifle economic growth and our ability to deliver food and health care, particularly to people that live in city centers. (翻译:而更大的问题是 全球的交通拥堵 将严重威胁经济增长 扼杀我们运输食物 提供医疗服务的能力 尤其是向生活在城市中心的人们)

3. As for Aunt Pitty, she was nervously trying to stifle a belch, for the rooster they had had for supper was a tough old bird. (翻译:至于皮蒂姑妈,她正神经质地强忍着不要打出嗝来,因为他们那天晚餐吃的是一只硬邦邦的老公鸡。)

4. Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks. (翻译:我咬紧牙关,硬是把一两句意见咽了回去。)

5. The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume. (翻译:包围著客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。)

6. I try not to stifle his desire to be independent, and more importantly, I try not to act like it bothers me that he is picky. (翻译:我不会扼杀他想独立的愿望,我也不会觉得,他挑剔是一件令我苦恼的事。)

7. She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn. (翻译:她并未试图忍住一个哈欠。)

8. Some Tibet experts said Beijing aims to stifle internal party dissent about Tibet policy and is, in particular, squelching liberal voices. (翻译:一些问题专家表示﹐北京此举意在压制在政策上的不同声音﹐特别是自由主义倾向。)

9. But the bigger issue is that global gridlock is going to stifle economic growth and our ability to deliver food and health care, particularly to people that live in city centers. (翻译:而更大的问题是 全球的交通拥堵 将严重威胁经济增长 扼杀我们运输食物 提供医疗服务的能力 尤其是向生活在城市中心的人们 )

10. The food did nothing to stifle her queasiness. (翻译:这些食物也没能遏制住她的恶心感。)

11. William Tauzin, head of America's pharmaceutical lobby, warns that regulatory efforts to cut costs could stifle life-saving innovation. (翻译:美国药物游说的头头WilliamTauzin警告说,监管节约成本的努力会将创新扼杀在摇篮里。)

12. It needs to stifle, first of all, any attempts at anarchy. (翻译:任何无企图都要压制 不能允许冒险和再次出现...)

13. In a Boleslav inn they tried to stifle me! (翻译:我差点被人闷 死在波列斯拉夫的一间旅馆里)

14. But sometimes you use these qualities to stifle others belittle, humiliate, crush them. (翻译:但有时候你利用这些品质来伤害别人 轻视 羞辱 击溃他们)

15. And so the debates about copyright, digital rights, so on and so forth -- these are all about trying to stifle, in my view, these kinds of organizations. (翻译:于是就产生了对于 版权,数字版权,等等的争辩―― 所有这些都是在企图扼杀,在我看来, 这种类型的组织。)






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