oysters是什么意思 oysters的中文翻译、读音、例句


oysters是什么意思 oysters的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, 'oysters' can be yzed from at least three different aspects: spelling, unciation, and meaning.

1. Spelling:

'Oysters' is a plural noun, which means that it refers to more than one oyster. It is spelled with a "y" and not an "i" because it follows the standard English spelling rule for pluralizing nouns. The singular form of 'oysters' is 'oyster.'


- I would like to eat six oysters.

- Oyster harvesting is a major industry in certain parts of the world.

2. Pronunciation:

The word 'oysters' has two syllables and is ounced as AW-stuhrs. The first syllable is ounced as the sound of the letter 'a' followed by the sound of the letter 'w.' The second syllable is ounced as the sound of the letter 'u' followed by the sound of the letter 'r.'


- She ordered a dozen oysters and some champagne.

- The oysters are served cold with lemon wedges and hot sauce.

3. Meaning:

'Oysters' is a type of shellfish that is commonly consumed as food. They live in saler or brackish water and are known for their unique flavor and texture. Oysters can be eaten raw, steamed, grilled, or fried, and are often served with a variety of condiments such as lemon, horseradish, tail sauce, or mignonette sauce.


- The restaurant is famous for its fresh seafood, especially its raw oysters.

- He tried his first oyster on his trip to New Orleans and loved it.

Overall, 'oysters' is an interesting and versatile word that can be yzed from various linguistic perspectives. By understanding its spelling, unciation, and meaning, English learners can improve their understanding and usage of this popular noun.

5 examples of 'oysters' in use:

1. "The seafood festival had a great selection of dishes, but I think the oysters were my favorite."

2. "Let's order a plate of oysters to share as an appetizer."

3. "I can't eat oysters because I'm allergic to shellfish."

4. "The oysters on the half shell at this restaurant are always so fresh and briny."

5. "At the oyster bar, you can choose from a variety of different types of oysters from different regions."




1. I love eating oysters, especially when they are fresh and served with lemon juice.


2. Oysters are considered a delicacy in many cultures and are often served raw or cooked in various dishes.





例句:He had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them. (他吃了两打牡蛎,每一个都吃得津津有味。)


例句:"The data is questionable and mixed, but oysters do make a nice appetizer, " she said. (“数据是可疑的和混杂的,但牡蛎的确可以作为一盘好的开胃菜,”她说。)


例句:Excellent as an aperitif or to accompany seafood like oysters. (作为餐前酒十分理想,亦可搭配海鲜,如牡蛎等。)


oysters一般作为名词使用,如在fried oysters(油炸蚝)、japanese oysters(【动物】长牡蛎(Ostrea gigas))、mountain oysters([网络] 山蚝)等常见短语中出现较多。

fried oysters油炸蚝
japanese oysters【动物】长牡蛎(Ostrea gigas)
mountain oysters[网络] 山蚝
oysters Kilpatrick[网络] 烟肉焗蚝
oysters Rockefeller[复数]【烹饪】洛克菲勒焗牡蛎, 菠菜烧牡蛎
oysters rockefellersoysters Rockefeller\n['ɔistəz'rɔki,felə]\n[复数]【烹饪】洛克菲勒焗牡蛎,菠菜烧牡蛎
pearl oysters[网络] 珠母贝;珍珠牡蛎;真珠牡蛎
prairie oysters[网络] 草原牡蛎
saddle oysters[网络] 马鞍牡蛎\n(saddle oyster 的复数)


1. Excellent as an aperitif or to accompany seafood like oysters. (翻译:作为餐前酒十分理想,亦可搭配海鲜,如牡蛎等。)

2. Quickly make up your mind, or the oysters would be gone by the time we get there. (翻译:你不可以想这么久 你想很久的话,生蚝会被别人吃掉的)

3. If it's the end of the world, I want to go down gulping oysters. (翻译:如果它是世界上的端部, 我想下去囫囵吞枣牡蛎。)

4. I saw wads of phlegm glistening like freshly shucked oysters on staircases and escalators. (翻译:不管在楼梯还是电梯,都能看见一团团的痰液,像刚剥了壳的牡蛎般闪耀。)

5. While mama is away picking oysters the baby stays... um, stays~ (翻译: 如果妈妈去岛屿采海蛎子  小宝宝一... 一个人)

://www.ted.com/talks/kate_orff_oysters_as_architecture.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/kate_orff_oysters_as_architecture.html)

7. We'll lounge until noon, then go to a restaurant and get us some oysters. (翻译:然后去餐厅 去吃新鲜的牡蛎,你不喜欢牡蛎吗?)

8. These are animals like oysters, clams, mussels, small fish like mackerel. (翻译:像牡蛎、蛤蚌、贻贝这些贝类, 以及马交鱼这样的小鱼。)

9. But oranges came to England millennia after oysters and for centuries the phrase was as different as apples and oysters. (翻译:不过,橙子进入英格兰的时间比牡蛎晚了至少一千年。而之前,类似用来形容“天壤之别”的短语是asdifferentasapplesandoysters。)

10. I had a romantic dinner of champagne and oysters, and Wendy finished me off in a cup. (翻译:吃了一顿浪漫晚餐... ... 香槟,生蚝,)

11. Imagine if you're shucking all these oysters, getting all the meat out of these oysters. (翻译:你看到很多的鱼都在那儿游动 我是说 那是健康的象征)

12. I smoked the summer I shucked oysters on a cruise. (翻译:当年我在一拉拉航海夏令营里撬牡蛎壳时抽空也抽两口 [女同YD的双关大家自行体会])

13. A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on a breathless summer day. (翻译:一个渔民在喘不过气来的夏天从浑浊的河水里拖上了几网牡蛎。)

14. There are tons of fresh mussels, fish and oysters right out of the ocean and there are live musical performances as well. (翻译:有吨新鲜淡菜,鱼和牡蛎权的海洋,有现场音乐表演以及。)

15. Certainly it was the first time anyone had seen a Butler sewing oysters and caviar in the pits. (翻译:或只是场闹剧 当然这是大家前所未见 维修站有男仆端上生蚝和鱼子酱)






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