paragon是什么意思 paragon的中文翻译、读音、例句


paragon是什么意思 paragon的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:'paragon' 这个单词表示“典范,完美的榜样”,可以用来形容某个人、事物、品质等有着无可挑剔的卓越表现。

2. 词源解析:'paragon'这个词来自意大利语“paragone”,意为“比较、区分”,在16世纪传入英语,与拉丁语“para”(意为“相等、比较”)和希腊语“gonia”(意为“角度、观点”)有关。

3. 用法搭配:'paragon' 可以用来修饰名词,也可以作为名词使用,常与“of”搭配,如:a paragon of virtue(完美的品德榜样)。此外,'paragon'还可以作为动词,表示“比较、对照”,如。

4. 应用范围:'paragon'这个词汇在口语和书面语都有应用,适用于各行各业,如教育、文学、艺术、商业等。在商业领域,'paragon'常被用来形容某个品牌、产品或服务的卓越表现,如:Apple's iPhone is a paragon of design excellence(苹果公司的 iPhone 是设计卓越的典范)。


1. He is a paragon of honesty and integrity.(他是诚实和正直的典范。)

2. This painting is a paragon of Renaissance art.(这幅画是文艺复兴艺术的完美榜样。)

3. The company has set a paragon of customer service.(公司树立了完美的客户服务典范。)

4. She is a paragon among her peers in terms of academic achievement.(从学术成就的角度看,她是同龄人中的佼佼者。)

5. His success in business is a paragon for others to follow.(他在商业上的成功是其他人应该追随的榜样。)




1. She is a paragon of beauty and grace.(她是美貌与优雅的典范。)

2. He is a paragon of honesty and integrity.(他是诚实和正直的楷模。)

3. This new restaurant is a paragon of modern design.(这家新餐厅是现代设计的典范。)




例句:So I went about my business: Paragon Space Development Corporation, a little firm I started with people while I was in the Biosphere, because I had nothing else to do. (所以我开办了自己的公司。模范空间发展合作社, 一个我在生态圈2中和人们所开办的小公司, 因为我没别的事可做。)


例句:So I went about my business: Paragon Space Development Corporation, a little firm I started with people while I was in the Biosphere, because I had nothing else to do. (所以我开办了自己的公司。模范空间发展合作社, 一个我在生态圈2中和人们所开办的小公司, 因为我没别的事可做。)


例句:Mr. Brand, any comment on the Paragon Tower? (Mr. Brand, any comment on the Paragon Tower? 先生塔品牌的典范,有何评论?)


例句:He behaves as if he were a paragon of virtue, but I could tell you a thig or two about him! (翻译:他表现得似乎是美德的模范,不妨告诉你有关他的一两件事!更详细。)


paragon一般作为名词、动词使用,如在paragon clay(标准黏土)、paragon of virtue(尽善尽美的楷模)、paragon stain(Paragon染色)等常见短语中出现较多。

paragon clay标准黏土
paragon of virtue尽善尽美的楷模
paragon stainParagon染色
paragon steel锰铬钒合金钢


1. Mr. Brand, any comment on the Paragon Tower? (翻译:Mr. Brand, any comment on the Paragon Tower? 先生塔品牌的典范,有何评论?)

2. He behaves as if he were a paragon of virtue, but I could tell you a thig or two about him! (翻译:他表现得似乎是美德的模范,不妨告诉你有关他的一两件事!更详细。)

3. Our administrator is a paragon of neatness, efficiency, and reliability. (翻译:我们的管理者是整洁、高效、真实可信的杰出典范。)

4. "You paragon of beauty, " said the wicked woman, "all has just happened as I expected, " and then she went away quickly. (翻译:“你这个经典的美人,”的女人说,“一切都进展的如我所希望的,”然后她就很快的离开了。)

5. So what am I, if it's not possible the paragon of humanity to attain towards all my senses strain? (翻译:我全力追求它 无非是得到人类的冠冕 如不可能)

6. IN A city not much noted for efficiency, Cairo's traditional rubbish collectors, or Zabbaleen, have long been something of a paragon. (翻译:在一个不怎么以高效率闻名的城市里,开罗传统的垃圾收集工,或称扎巴林,长久以来一直被人们当成劳动模范。)

7. Let's see this paragon. Is he as good as you say? (翻译:让我们见见这位好好先生 他真的跟你说的一样好?)

8. apotheosis, ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, nonsuch, paragon, saint. (翻译:典范,典范,圣徒,圣人,理想,圣徒,圣人。)

9. Once Cybertron had been teeming with life, the paragon of scientific research and development in its particular corner of the galaxy. (翻译:曾经的塞伯坦充满生机,在银河一隅,它是科研与发展的典范。)

10. He wasn't the paragon of virtue she had expected. (翻译:他不是她想象中的那种美德典范。)

11. The debate among economists is a paragon of civility compared with the one taking place in the streets. (翻译:与街头比起来,经济学家之间的争执算是很文明的了。)

12. FROM the air, Los Angeles hardly looks like an environmental paragon. (翻译:仰望天空,洛杉矶绝难称得上一个环保典范。)

13. In doing so, Beatrice had been quietly instilled with a certain Victorian idolatry, a paragon of virtue. (翻译:因此比阿特丽斯相当 仍有约 维多利亚时代的某些意识形态 一个良性的)

14. "Colonizing the Moon or Mars seems so far away, but it is important that we do this research now, " Paragon president Jane Poynter said. (翻译:Paragon的总裁简·波耶恩特说:“开垦月球或火星似乎非常遥远,但现在我们开展这项研究十分重要。”)

15. She was certainly no paragon of virtue ! (翻译:她决不是道德高尚的典范! )






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