regrow是什么意思 regrow的中文翻译、读音、例句


regrow是什么意思 regrow的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , I could offer explanations and example sentences about 'regrow' from at least five aspects for English teachers:

1. Definition: 'Regrow' is a verb that means to grow again or to grow back after being removed or damaged.

Example: The lizard's tail can regrow if it is cut off.

2. Physiology: 'Regrow' could be related to the regeneration of tissue or organs after being damaged or removed.

Example: Scientists are studying how to regrow organs in a lab for transplant patients.

3. Agriculture: 'Regrow' could be used to describe the growth of crops or plants after being harvested.

Example: The farmer is regrowing the lettuce in the greenhouse.

4. Environmentalism: 'Regrow' could be used to describe the process of restoring a damaged ecosystem, such as planting trees to regrow a forest.

Example: Volunteers are working to regrow the coral reef destroyed by pollution.

5. Personal development: 'Regrow' could be used to describe the process of healing or rebuilding oneself after a setback or trauma.

Example: After losing his job, John had to regrow his confidence and find a new career.


1. 这棵树被砍了,但它能够再次生长。

(The tree was cut down, but it can regrow.)

2. 医生正在试图研究如何让患者的器官重新生长。

(Doctors are attempting to figure out how to regrow organs in patients.)

3. 农民正在温室里重新种植莴。

(The farmer is regrowing the lettuce in the greenhouse.)

4. 志愿者们正在努力恢复因染而被毁坏的珊瑚礁生态系统。

(Volunteers are working to regrow the coral reef destroyed by pollution.)

5. 约翰失业后,他必须重新恢复自信,并找到新的职业。

(After losing his job, John had to regrow his confidence and find a new career.)

英 [riːˈɡrəʊ] 美 [riˈɡroʊ]



1. If you're lucky, the plant may regrow new leaves.


2. The coral reef has been damaged but it will slowly regrow over time.


3. If you cut the grass too short, it may not regrow properly.





例句:She says: "I believe that the day is not far off when we will be able to prescribe drugs that cause severed spinal cords to heal, hearts to regenerate and lost limbs to regrow." (她说:“我相信,我们能够开出药方,让切断的脊髓愈合、心脏再生、失去的四肢再生的那一天不远了。” )


例句:I can attempt to virtually regrow the bone. (以及氢氟酸造成的骨 我可以尝试重建骸骨)


例句:Lost fingers and limbs will be able to regrow. (失去的手指和四肢将能够再生。)


例句:"Researchers are desperately trying to find ways to regrow fingers and even limbs, " Highfield says. (翻译:“研究者们正努力找到重生手指甚至四肢的方法,”海菲尔德说道。)


1. Lost fingers and limbs will be able to regrow. (翻译:失去的手指和四肢将能够再生。)

2. "Researchers are desperately trying to find ways to regrow fingers and even limbs, " Highfield says. (翻译:“研究者们正努力找到重生手指甚至四肢的方法,”海菲尔德说道。)

3. I've used the lizard DNA to help Freddy regrow that limb. (翻译:我用蜥蜴的DNA实现了弗莱德的前肢再生 这真是奇迹)

4. We've now done that procedure, and it's been done worldwide in over 4,000 cases, so it's an FDA-approved and worldwide-accepted way to regrow the meniscus. (翻译:直到现在,通过使用这种方法 我们已经在全球范围内治愈了逾4000位患者 所以这是一个可以被美国食品及药物管理局以及全世界所接受的 膝盖半月板再生法)

5. Not so in human beings: you cut off an arm, you cut off a leg -- it doesn't regrow. (翻译:但是人类就不一样 你切断的手臂或者腿却不会再长出来 )

6. When in balance with the loa of their tribe, they are also able to regrow digits (fingers and toes). (翻译:当与部族的LOA达到平衡时,他们可以再生手指脚趾。)

7. The unfortunate inconvenience for you is we'll have to bring you back in to rescan you so that we can regrow your policy. (翻译:比较麻烦的是您必须来一趟 重新扫描再订做新的产品)

8. But the more stresses we take off them locally -- things like overfishing, sewage pollution, fertilizer pollution, dredging, coastal construction -- the better they can hang on as we stabilize the climate, and the faster they can regrow. (翻译:但是我们在珊瑚礁周边 给珊瑚礁的压力—— 像是过度捕捞、生活水 农业肥料染等, 清淤工程、海岸建设—— 当我们将气候稳定后 这些问题处理的愈好, 珊瑚的恢复速度就越快。)

9. He said the finding raised the possibility of not only stopping hair loss, but of bald men also being able to regrow full heads of hair. (翻译:他说这一发现不仅增加了治疗脱发的可能性,而且对于秃头的男性也能重新长出浓密的头发。)

10. When looking at materials that are currently being tested for their abilities to help regrow muscle, our team noticed that after treating an injured muscle with these materials, there was a large number of immune cells in that material and the surrounding muscle. (翻译:在观察测试中的 帮助肌肉再生能力的材料时, 我们的团队注意到, 用这些材料处理受伤的肌肉后, 在这些材料及其周围的肌肉中 出现了大量的免疫细胞。)

11. Not so in human beings: you cut off an arm, you cut off a leg -- it doesn't regrow. (翻译:但是人类就不一样 你切断的手臂或者腿却不会再长出来)

12. If a few polyps survive, a coral can regrow; it just needs time and protection and a reasonable temperature. (翻译:如果有少量息肉存活, 一片珊瑚就可以再生; 它仅仅需要时间、适当的保护 以及合理的海水温度。)

13. It's now that the baobab trees regrow their leaves and collect water to store in their huge trunks, ready for the dry season ahead. (翻译:现在波巴布树长出了新叶 用来收集水分并储存到巨大的躯干中,用以对付干季的到来)

14. We've now done that procedure, and it's been done worldwide in over 4,000 cases, so it's an FDA-approved and worldwide-accepted way to regrow the meniscus. (翻译:直到现在,通过使用这种方法 我们已经在全球范围内治愈了逾4000位患者 所以这是一个可以被美国食品及药物管理局以及全世界所接受的 膝盖半月板再生法 )

15. As they regrow in numbers and the habitat improves, they return to their venturesome ways, and thus, to mankind, seem to suddenly reappear. (翻译:当因繁育增多以及栖息地条件有改善时,它们回归野性,对人类来说,它们似乎一下子冒出来了。)




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