bears是什么意思 bears的中文翻译、读音、例句


bears是什么意思 bears的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Bears一般指灰熊(Grizzly bear)或棕熊(Brown bear)等北美洲的熊类。在股票投资领域,Bears指看空市场的投资者。在同性恋文化中,Bears指身材偏壮,毛发浓密的同性恋男性社群。


- The bears roam through the forests looking for food.

- The stock market is currently being dominated by bears.

- The annual bear festival in Alaska attracts thousands of tourists.

- He is a member of the bear community and attends bear events regularly.

- His favorite animal is the brown bear.

2. 特征:灰熊和棕熊都是大型的食肉动物,身体健壮、毛发浓密,拥有强大的嗅觉、听觉和视觉。在股市中,Bears的特点是看空市场,认为股价会下跌。


- The bear's massive paws are useful for catching fish and digging for roots.

- The fur of the brown bear is renowned for its thickness and warmth.

- The bear's sense of smell is 100 times stronger than a human's.

- The bears have been selling off their shares, causing the stock market to drop.

- He is a well-known bear investor, always predicting market downturns.

3. 常见场景:灰熊和棕熊是北美洲的代表性动物,常出现在国家公园、森林等地。在同性恋文化中,Bears社群拥有自己的聚集场所和活动,如夜店、健身房、网站等。


- Visitors to Yellowstone National Park often come across bears in the wild.

- The forest rangers issue warnings to hikers about bear sightings.

- The local bar is known for its bear night on Thursdays.

- The bear community hosts its annual cruise to Mexico every summer.

- He met his partner at a bear convention in San Francisco.

4. 文化意义:灰熊和棕熊在北美洲的文化、文学、艺术中都扮演着重要角色。在同性恋文化中,Bears社群也形成了自己独特的文化和价值观。


- The Native American legend tells the story of the bear as a powerful spirit guide.

- The children's book "Paddington Bear" has become a classic in English literature.

- The artist painted a magnificent portrait of a grizzly bear in the wilderness.

- The bear community values body positivity and inclusivity.

- He proudly wears a bear pride necklace, a symbol of his identity.




1. Bears hibernate in the winter.(熊在冬天会冬眠。)

2. The teddy bear sat on the shelf.(泰迪熊坐在书架上。)

3. Don't go into the woods alone because there might be bears.(不要独自进入树林,因为可能会有熊。)

4. We saw a black bear in the zoo yesterday.(昨天我们在动物园看到了一只黑熊。)




例句:The boy bears himself erectly. (这男孩站得蜿蜒。)


例句:When I worked on polar bears as a biologist 20 years ago, we never found dead bears. (20年前,我作为生物学家研究北极熊的时候 我们从来没有发现死熊)


例句:"Bears are just remarkable," Harlow says. (“熊真是太引人注目了,”哈洛说。)


例句:But, of course, the natural world, polar bears. (翻译:但是当然,大自然的一些动物,比如说北极熊又有新的问题:)


bears一般作为名词使用,如在drop bears([网络] 树袋熊)、Etruscan bears([网络] 伊特鲁里亚熊)、great bears(大熊座)等常见短语中出现较多。

drop bears[网络] 树袋熊
Etruscan bears[网络] 伊特鲁里亚熊
great bears大熊座
grizzly bearsn. 【动】灰熊\n[网络] 灰棕熊;北美灰熊;灰熊兄弟
gummi bears[网络] 妙妙熊;橡胶手指;橡胶熊
Gummy Bears[网络] 小熊软糖;甘贝熊;小熊糖
honey bears[网络] 蜂蜜小熊;大眼蜂
ice bears冰熊(也被叫作北极熊)
kangaroo bears[网络] 想不到的;副班长在\n(kangaroo bear 的复数)


1. "Bears are just remarkable," Harlow says. (翻译:“熊真是太引人注目了,”哈洛说。)

2. But, of course, the natural world, polar bears. (翻译:但是当然,大自然的一些动物,比如说北极熊又有新的问题:)

3. The heart rate of active bears is around 100 beats a minute; for hibernating bears it can drop to eight beats a minute. (翻译:熊在活跃时每分钟心率达100次;冬眠时,心率降到每分钟8次。)

4. They are here to film eagles stealing fish from the bears, but right now it's the bears that are focusing the mind. (翻译:在这里他们要拍摄从棕熊那里偷鱼的鹰 但是现在熊是关注重点)

5. Like brown bears and polar bears, sloth bears may have evolved in an environment with few trees. (翻译:和棕熊和北极熊一样,树懒熊可能是在树木稀少的环境中进化而来的。)

6. We have bears to fear, too. (翻译:We have bears to fear, too. 和熊。我们也要担心熊,还有狮子。)

7. Bears are asocial secretive animals. (翻译:熊是不合群的孤僻的动物。)

8. Female Cantabrian bears with babies and independent young bears under the age of two do not usually hibernate, scientists have found (翻译:科学家发现,带幼崽的坎塔布连母熊和年龄两岁以下的独居小熊通常不冬眠)

9. Yes, about this big and with little dancing bears on it? (翻译:是的, 大概有这么大吧 里面还有些玩具熊什么的)

10. The Bears had to beat the Cardinals to win. (翻译:大熊队要打败红雀队才能加冕 The Bears had to beat the Cardinals to win.)

11. the Bears brought him back. (翻译:大熊队请他复出做替补 ...the Bears brought him back.)

12. Taxation bears heavily on us all. (翻译:赋税给我们大家带来沉重的负担。)

13. played eight years to make the Bears champions. (翻译:在大熊队待了八年 赢了冠军 ...played eight years to make the Bears champions.)

14. - Do bears even have names? (翻译:- 熊有名字吗? - 我们当然有啊 - Do bears even have names?)

15. I want some gummy bears on a snow cone. (翻译:我想吃放了橡皮糖的冰淇淋 l want some gummy bears on a snow cone.)




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