filippine是什么意思 filippine的中文翻译、读音、例句


filippine是什么意思 filippine的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Filippine是菲律宾的意思,也可以是Filippine Islands的缩写。

2. 发音:[fɪlɪpiːn]

3. 用途:Filippine在日常生活中用于表示菲律宾这个地名,常常被用作国家名称或岛屿名称的简称。

4. 来源:Filippine一词来源于拉丁语“Philippinus”,意为“属于菲律宾王子”或“菲律宾的”。

5. 例句:

- The Filippine government has implemented a strict lockdown to combat the spread of COVID-19.

- The Filippine Islands are known for their stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters.

- I'm planning a trip to the Filippine later this year.

- The Filippine national basketball team has had great success in recent years.

- The Filippine peso is the official currency of the country.

1. Definition: Filippine means the Philippines, and it can also be an abbreviation for Filippine Islands.

2. Pronunciation: [fɪlɪpiːn]

3. Usage: Filippine is used in daily life to refer to the name of the Philippines, often used as a shorthand for the country name or island name.

4. Origin: The word Filippine comes from the Latin "Philippinus", meaning "belonging to the Philippine prince" or "of the Philippines".

5. Example sentences:

- 菲律宾已经实施了严格的封锁措施,以应对COVID-19的传播。

- 菲律宾群岛以其令人惊叹的海滩和晶莹剔透的水闻名。

- 我计划今年晚些时候前往菲律宾。

- 菲律宾国家篮球队最近几年取得了巨大的成功。

- 菲律宾比索是该国的官方货币。

Filippine是“菲律宾”的意思。 Filippine的中文翻译是菲律宾,读音为[fə'lɪpɪn]。 例句:I'm planning a trip to the Filippine.(我正在计划去菲律宾旅行。)




例句:None of Marnix's wife, Filip's sister, no one. (也没有马尼克斯的妻子 菲利普的妹妹 都没有)


例句:The resistance of pine to the PWN is evidently different in different species, and the resistance difference among the geographical population depends on the pine species. (在松树对松材线虫的抗性方面,树种之间抗性的差异性较显著,而同种松树不同地理种源之间抗性的差异性的显著程度因树种而异。)


例句:So, hypothetically, it's more probable that Filip, a skinny little guy, would protect his family, compared to me because I was born in the 70s? (所以 假设来说 Filip那个小瘦子 和我比起来 更有可能保护家人)


例句:They think she rented a room over on Pine Avenue (翻译:他们觉得她在PINE ENUE租了套公寓)


filippine一般作为名词使用,如在Filippine(人名 意 菲利皮内)等常见短语中出现较多。

Filippine人名 意 菲利皮内


1. So, hypothetically, it's more probable that Filip, a skinny little guy, would protect his family, compared to me because I was born in the 70s? (翻译:所以 假设来说 Filip那个小瘦子 和我比起来 更有可能保护家人)

2. They think she rented a room over on Pine Avenue (翻译:他们觉得她在PINE ENUE租了套公寓)

3. You got virgin cypress, you got longleaf pine, you got that pressure treated pine. (翻译:有小柏树 有长叶松 还有压力处理过的松树)

4. My fourite nut is a pine nut. (翻译:我最喜欢的坚果是松果。)

5. Finally, there were the splinters of white pine under his fingernails. (翻译:there were the splinters of white pine 雪松的木屑 under his fingernails.)

6. One kind of tree is the white pine. Another is the loblolly pine. (翻译:其中一种就是白松,另外一种是火炬松。)

7. 12 barker road in pine bush. (翻译:派恩布什 巴克路12号 12 Barker Road in Pine Bush.)

8. And Ms. Pine, you play tennis with Chief Adler, don't you? (翻译:Pine女士 你和首席法官Adler是网球球友 对吗)

9. A defatted pine-nut milk drink was developed from pine-nut. (翻译:以脱脂松籽为原料,开发研制了松籽乳饮料。)

10. I picked a nice, shady spot in a forest of pine trees. (翻译:我找了一个很好的荫凉地 I picked a nice, shady spot 在松树林中 in a forest of pine trees.)

11. I pine for the countryside. (翻译:我渴望乡下的生活。)

12. Defenders of the good, crusaders of the righteous guardians of the pine. (翻译:好料的捍卫者 正义的士 松树的守护神)

13. You, me, Mom, we go to the cabin up at Pine Top. (翻译:你、我和妈妈, 我们去Pine Top 的木屋)

14. The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. (翻译:加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的. )

15. No! No! Pine, you don't understand! (翻译:-不要 帕里 你不明白 -的到底要干嘛?)




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