woes是什么意思 woes的中文翻译、读音、例句


woes是什么意思 woes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义和拼写:Woes 是一个名词,意思是困难、烦恼或不幸。它通常用于表达人们的痛苦、烦恼或不幸,可以表示一系列的问题或困难。

2. 常见用法:Woes 在口语和书面语中都很常见,通常用于表达不幸、失望、忧虑和问题等情况。它可以用作单词,也可以在短语中使用,如woe is me(我真倒霉)。

3. 相关词汇:Woes 的同义词包括:misery、adversity、hardship、trouble等,这些词的含义与woes非常相似,都可以用于表示人们的痛苦、烦恼或不幸。


1. My financial woes keep me up at night.(我的财务烦恼让我晚上睡不着)

2. The country's economic woes have caused widespread unemployment.(该国的经济困难已导致普遍失业)

3. The company's woes began when they invested heavily in a failing industry.(公司的困境始于他们在衰败的行业中大量投资)

4. The town's woes were compounded by the recent flooding.(城镇的困难受到最近的洪水的加剧)

5. Her marital woes have been the subject of much gossip.(她的婚姻烦恼成为了许多闲聊的话题)




1. The company has been facing financial woes due to the economic downturn. (由于经济衰退,该公司一直面临着财务困境。)

2. The novel explores the woes of a young woman trying to find her place in the world. (这本小说探讨了一个年轻女子在世界中寻找自己位置时所面临的困境。)

3. The town was devastated by the woes of war. (这个城镇被战争的苦难摧毁了。)





例句:Isn't this the point where the world-weary barkeep absentmindedly wipes down the bar and coaxes the woes out of the troubled patron? (现在愤世嫉俗的酒保应该 开始一边心不在焉地擦吧台 一边安慰郁闷的老主顾了吧?)


例句:Lucy Manwaring had just forced herself into Mr. Johnson's study to sob her woes. (因为曼华林夫人刚好同时找上门 闯去找强森先生)


例句:Trust me, love. All these woes shall serve for sweet discourses - in our times to come. (相信我, 这些遭遇 以后会成为甜蜜的话题)


例句:And in this silence the Messiah was to appear to put an end to our woes' disease' and death. (翻译:寂静中 弥赛亚应该出现 把我们的苦难, 疾病和死亡统统赶走)


woes一般作为名词使用,如在economic woes([网络] 经济灾难;经济不景气;经济危机)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic woes[网络] 经济灾难;经济不景气;经济危机


1. Trust me, love. All these woes shall serve for sweet discourses - in our times to come. (翻译:相信我, 这些遭遇 以后会成为甜蜜的话题)

2. And in this silence the Messiah was to appear to put an end to our woes' disease' and death. (翻译:寂静中 弥赛亚应该出现 把我们的苦难, 疾病和死亡统统赶走)

3. Tom sulked in a corner and exalted his woes. (翻译:汤姆在角落里生闷气,心里越想越难过。)

4. China was the last stop on his near-weeklong tour of apology and explanation over the company's quality woes. (翻译:丰田章男用了将近一周时间到各地道歉、并对质量问题进行解释,而北京是他的最后一站。)

5. To attach the blame for the team's woes to the two former galacticos is manifestly, in sporting terms, as unjust as it is irrational. (翻译:把球队失败的责任推到两个前银河巨星身上是明显不公正不理智的。)

6. The Mediterranean, which had burdened northerners for over a year of sovereign-debt woes, can be rediscovered for its delights. (翻译:在过去一年多里,南欧国家债务危机令北欧国家不胜其烦,但此时可令人重新发现其可爱之处。)

7. Such support may temporarily help sustain autocratic rule in Yemen, where militancy is only one of many woes. (翻译:这种支持可能意味也门的统治暂时持续下去。)

8. But the truth is, this company's woes are a symptom of a much larger problem. (翻译:但事实上 这只是公司面临的一个 更大问题的征兆)

9. Dalian is determined to ensure Mr Maekawa's recruiting woes do not slow its growth as an outsourcing centre. (翻译:大连市已经下定决心,不能让前川充留遇到的人才方面的问题放慢大连成为外包中心的步伐。)

10. It's New Year's. I'm not going to add to your woes. (翻译:就快过年了,我不想增加你的不快 只是说说罢了)

11. Howyou feel about this--your petty woes and joys, even your agonies and raptures--seldom concerns us. (翻译:你如何看待它——你的微不足道的悲伤和欢乐,甚至是你的巨痛和狂喜——我们很少理会。)

12. The company's cash burn is a matter of grave concern, and the lack of any late-stage or approved product adds to the company's woes. (翻译:公司的资金消耗是一个严肃的值得关注的问题,而且缺乏任何后期研究和核准的产品给公司的带来了更加严重的伤痛。)

13. He said weaknesses of the monetary union, which lacks monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, have contributed to the current fiscal woes. (翻译:他说,欧元区缺乏监督和执行的机制,这正是引发当前财政危机的肇因之一。)

14. Tunnel trouble is only one of the woes afflicting the book trade. (翻译:“隧道问题”只是困扰图书贸易的结症之一。)

15. If you thrive on helping your friends and family solve their computer woes, co aider becoming a computer su ort specialist. (翻译:如果你经常为你的朋友和家人解决电脑问题,那么考虑从事电脑支持专家的工作吧。)






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