reputable是什么意思 reputable的中文翻译、读音、例句


reputable是什么意思 reputable的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:可信赖的,声誉良好的,值得信赖的。

2. 词性:形容词。

3. 常用场景:常用于商业、法律、医疗等领域,用来形容具有良好信誉和口碑的机构、公司、组织或个人。

4. 词组搭配:Reputable company(有声誉的公司), reputable source(可靠的消息来源),reputable organization(有信誉的机构)等。

5. 相关短语:reputation management(声誉管理),reputation damage(声誉受损), reputation building(树立声誉)等。

6. 发音拼写:[ˈrepjʊtəbl]。




1. Only buy products from reputable and trustworthy companies.(只从信誉良好、值得信赖的公司购买产品。)

2. It is important to work for a reputable employer with a good track record.(重要的是要为有良好业绩的有声望的雇主工作。)

3. The company has a reputable history and is known for its ethical practices.(该公司历史悠久信誉良好,以其道德实践而著称。)




例句:They’re staffed with seemingly reputable experts such as Denis Henshaw , a professor of physics and head of the Human Radiation Effect Group at the University of Bristol. (该机构致力于电磁场及微波辐射的安全问题,似乎聘请了许多荣誉专家——比如物理学教授丹尼斯·亨肖,现任布里斯托尔大学“人类辐射影响”研究小组的总负责人。)


例句:In countless surveys, the tobacco industry ranks as the world's least reputable industry. (在无数的调查中, 业都是世界上 最臭名昭著的行业。)


例句:He's a devoted Christian and also a reputable person in this region. (虔诚的 而且在这个地区是个声名显赫的人物)


例句:I'll empty them, deposit every last cent into the accounts of reputable military charities. (翻译:我会清空它们 把所有钱都 转到知名的慈善组织账户下)


reputable一般作为形容词使用,如在reputable bank(信誉良好的银行)、reputable citizen([法] 好公民, 有声誉的公民)等常见短语中出现较多。

reputable bank信誉良好的银行
reputable citizen[法] 好公民, 有声誉的公民


1. He's a devoted Christian and also a reputable person in this region. (翻译:虔诚的 而且在这个地区是个声名显赫的人物)

2. I'll empty them, deposit every last cent into the accounts of reputable military charities. (翻译:我会清空它们 把所有钱都 转到知名的慈善组织账户下)

3. Seeing as you put a toothbrush in your mouth two or more times per day, it's worth going with a reputable manufacturer. (翻译:想象下你将用一把牙刷每天两次甚至更多地放入你的嘴巴,我想选择一个有声望的生产商会好些。)

4. Focus on relationship banking with established and reputable shipowners, operators and builders ? (翻译:重视与已建立的、声誉良好的船东、和造船商的银行关系)

5. Let's celebrate by buying local drugs from a reputable, local drug dealer. (翻译:来买点本地吧 卖家是信誉良好的本地毒贩)

6. Gleave said that "we urge buyers interested in the 2009 Bordeaux to deal exclusively with reputable merchants only." (翻译:格利夫说:“我们呼吁在2009年波尔多感兴趣的买家,以处理与知名商家只只。” )

7. Taxis are a common ruse for a scam. Never get into a cab unless you're sure it's reputable, and always agree on a price beforehand. (翻译:在出租车上出现陷阱最为普遍。不要轻易搭乘出租除非你确定他有良好的信誉,并预先订好价格。)

8. Reputable Internet sources of medical information like WebMD or the Mayo Clinic list PMS as a known disorder. (翻译:那些著名的医学信息资源网站 如“网络医生”、“梅约诊所”都将 经前综合征列为一种已知的精神障碍。)

9. When I left Morgan Stanley, David told me to make it count because you could only leave a firm that reputable once. (翻译:当我离开摩根斯坦利时,戴维对我说,要珍惜这段经历,因为你只有一次机会离开一家这么好的公司。)

10. These knives offer the same reputable Benchmade signature innovation, and performance driven mindset-geared for the casual knife buyer. (翻译:此类刀专为临时刀具购买者准备的,但同样具有著名的蝴蝶标志性创新技术。)

11. It seems to me that this is a very user-friendly and reputable company. (翻译:在我看来这是一个很人性化。很有信誉的一家公司。)

12. Just be sure to buy your brain recalibration audios from reputable sleep companies, and not slick marketing companies. (翻译:所以,你只要放心的从信誉良好的睡眠研究公司购买睡眠校准音频,而不要理睬那些销售公司。)

13. You are well advised to buy your car through a reputable dealer. (翻译:你通过一个声誉好的经销商来买车是明智的。)

14. Now Professor, they say that Londes, the leader, was once a reputable doctor. (翻译:请问教授 Londes教主本来也是个博士)

15. Mr. Meeks, do you have any idea what happens when a marginally reputable cargo ship enters a civilized port and attempts to unload 50 barrels full of cargo covered in blood? (翻译:米克斯先生 你知道当一艘小有名气的货船 驶入一个文明港口并试图卸载 50只沾血的货桶时会有什么后果吗)




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