
关于”上网课的感受“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The feeling of taking online classes。以下是关于上网课的感受的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”上网课的感受“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The feeling of taking online cl。以下是关于上网课的感受的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The feeling of taking online cl

First of all, online learning is a flexible way of learning. The traditional way of learning is to sit in the claoom. But now, people can sit at home or in a coffee shop.

They can have access to convenient and efficient knowledge. People can learn as they like without worrying about the location. Second, online learning can save a lot of money when people want to take this course, They have to pay a lot of money, buy books, pay teachers, and online learning can skip these unnecessary things, people can immediately listen to the course, they just need to click the on, how fast it is, online learning is a new way to acquire knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap, time-saving, I believe that network learning will become more and more popular in the future.




As a student who is taking online cl at home, I have mixed feelings about this experience. On one hand, I appreciate the convenience of being able to attend class from the comfort of my own home. I don't have to worry about commuting to school or getting dressed up for class. Plus, I have a lot more flexibility in terms of when and where I complete my coursework.

However, there are also some downsides to online cl. For one thing, it can be harder to stay focused and engaged when you're not physically in the claoom. I find myself getting distracted by other things around the house, like my phone or the TV. In addition, it's sometimes difficult to ask questions or partite in class discussions when you're communicating over a screen.

Overall, while there are certainly some benefits to online cl, I do miss the social interaction and accountability that comes with attending class in person. I look forward to a time when we can all safely return to our traditional claooms.








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