
关于”高升专“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Journey to the West。以下是关于高升专的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”高升专“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Journey to the West。以下是关于高升专的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Journey to the West

Monkey King beat the white bone female Tang Monk three times and his three disciples were on their way to the Western Heaven for Buddhist scriptures. One day, they were traveling on a high mountain. Monkey king saw that the valley was cloudy and foggy.

He knew that the mountain would hide demons. He drew a magic circle with his own hands. In order to protect the master, he asked monk Zhu and monk Sha to protect the monk for the sake of the three of them Away from the circle, he went to the mountains to have a look, picked some fruit and came back to eat.

There is indeed a corpse demon named white bone this mountain. It has been here for a thousand years. It is said that people who eat a piece of father tander's meat will live forever.

So it tries to catch him three times. For the first time, it becomes a beautiful young girl with a basket of food in her hand and a charming smile. She almost succeeded in persuading the master and his two doors at the last moment The monkey came out of this circle.

The monkey realized that she was a demon. He raised his stick and hit her. The devil turned into smoke and ran away.

The second time, the devil became an old woman. She leaned against a stick with a curved handle. The monkey recognized it and hit it again, just as the devil escaped for the first time and became an old man for the third time, sitting in front of the hut Waiting for the arrival of Tang monk.

Seeing through the demon's disguise, the monkey raised the stick and beat it down. This time, the devil left a cloth from the cloud, saying that if you are as kind as Buddha, how can you kill Wukong? If you don't have Scripture, you will get sangzang. He believes it.

He blames Wukong for killing three people one by one and forces him to leave. The white bone monkey mother easily catches the Tang Monk and asks his mother to eat mulberry meat. But Wukong comes to rescue him in time.

He is on the way to his daughter's house On the killing of the old devil, and then got into the hole to save the Tang monk.








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