
关于”屈原“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Yuan Qu。以下是关于屈原的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”屈原“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Yuan Qu。以下是关于屈原的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yuan Qu

屈原(Qu Yuan)是中国古代著名的诗人和家,也是楚国的大臣。他生于公元前340年,卒于公元前278年。屈原擅长写作诗歌,他的作品被称为《楚辞》。他的诗歌内容丰富多样,有爱国诗、思乡诗、抒情诗等等。





Qu Yuan, a famous ancient Chinese poet and politician, was also a minister of the Chu State. He was born in 340 BC and died in 278 BC. Qu Yuan was skilled in writing poetry, and his works are known as "Chu Ci". His poems cover a wide range of themes, including patriotism, homesickness, and romanticism.

Qu Yuan devoted his whole life to serving his country and held high positions in the government of the Chu State. However, due to the distrust of King Huai of Chu and the slander of other officials, Qu Yuan was exiled to a distant place away from the capital. He was deeply concerned about the declining state of the Chu State and repeatedly advised the king, but unfortunately, his advice was not taken seriously.

In the end, the Chu State was conquered by the Qin State, and Qu Yuan, feeling hopeless, drowned himself in the river. This tragedy happened on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar, which is now known as the Dragon Boat Festival. To commemorate him, people began holding dragon boat races and eating sticky rice dumplings, known as zongzi, on this day.

Qu Yuan's works have been highly cherished by later generations, and his poetry is considered a treasure of ancient Chinese literature. His works express deep emotions towards his country and people, as well as criticism of the political reality. Qu Yuan's unique style is full of passion and sentiment.

The spirit of Qu Yuan still carries significant meaning in present-day China. His patriotism and advocacy for continue to inspire people to pursue justice and . His works have also been translated into many languages, allowing more people around the world to understand the brilliance of ancient Chinese culture.



Qu Yuan is one of the important figures in ancient Chinese culture. He was a minister and poet in the state of Chu, and the main author of "Chu Ci." His most famous poem is "Li Sao," a passionate and philosophical lyrical poem. From his poetry, we can see his profound thoughts, high artistic accomplishment, and more importantly, his pursuit and promotion of national spirit.


Qu Yuan's poetry is full of emotional colors and has a strong national spirit. Many of his poems are related to patriotic themes, such as the line "The reeds are lush and green, the dew turns white as frost, where is she, my love, on the other side of the water," from "Li Sao," which expresses his love and longing for his homeland. His poetry has also inspired many people's patriotic enthusiasm and has had a great influence on the literary and artistic works of future generations.


Qu Yuan (about B.C., a poet and statesman of the state of Chu in the Warring States period, was born in Danyang, the state of Chu (now Yichang, Hubei Province). When I was a boy, I was a descendant of the son of Xiongtong of King Qu Wu. In his early years, he was well educated and trusted by King Huai of Chu.

He was once a leftist and a doctor. He was also responsible for internal affairs and foreign affairs. He advocated "American politics", advocated internal ethics, practiced law, and opposed the state of Qin After being attacked by the Qin army, the les were sent to the northern Han and Xiaoxiang river basins.

The state of Chu sank in Luohe River, taking advantage of the state.







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