
关于”生如何花钱“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to spend money alive。以下是关于生如何花钱的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”生如何花钱“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to spend money alive。以下是关于生如何花钱的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to spend money alive

seems to follow a recognizable pattern of contact with the virus. patients often complain of fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and it seems to be a dormant period. This period of time may last for three or three years.

Every summer, more serious symptoms begin to appear. When my family or my best friend travel, the new semester comes, and I will be surprised to find my English The language has been greatly improved, so I firmly believe that books are not only the source of knowledge, but also the weak people who "travel with my family" and "my spoken English has greatly improved". Part of the solution to this problem lies in the change of cultural attitude, and policy makers also need to help, because stupid laws are the problem worse, even more important than abolishing stupid policies It's the restructuring of the education system, which is designed in an era where most men work more generally, and schools need to be made more suitable for boys "because, although, if, however, therefore, despite, the same, the result, though, is still" I tend to agree that spending too much time on computers can have a negative impact on young children, in part because of the long sitting time In front of the screen can cause damage to eyes and body posture.

The main focus is on the types of computer activities, which usually attract very intense video games. Too much exposure of "Heroes" will encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive to others. "This" "I tend to agree" "because" "regardless of" "these" "computer activities" "players" "Games" "the coherence and cohesion of IELTS writing.".




As a college student, managing money wisely is extremely important. Here are some tips on how to spend money wisely:

1. Make a budget: Determine how much money you have and how much you need for rent, food, transportation, and other necessary expenses. Make sure to include some money for leisure and emergencies.

2. Track your spending: Keep a record of all your expenditures, both big and small. This will help you identify areas where you can cut back and save money.

3. Cut down on unnecessary expenses: Avoid spending money on things that you don't really need, such as expensive coffee, unnecessary subscriptions, or brand-name products.

4. Look for deals and discounts: Always be on the lookout for sales, coupons, and discount codes. You can save a lot of money by buying things on sale or with a discount.

5. Use your student ID: Many stores, restaurants, and venues offer discounts to students with a valid student ID. Take advantage of these discounts to save money.

6. Cook at home: Eating out can be expensive, especially if you do it often. Try cooking meals at home instead. Not only will it save you money, but it can also be healthier.

7. Avoid credit card debt: Be careful when using credit cards. Only use them for things you can afford to pay back, and try to pay off your balance in full every month to avoid interest charges.

8. Find ways to earn extra cash: Consider taking on a part-time job, selling unused items, or doing freelance work to earn some extra cash. Every little bit helps!


1. 制定预算:确定您有多少钱以及租房、食物、交通和其他必要开支需要花费多少钱。一定要包括一些娱乐和应急资金。

2. 追踪支出:记录所有支出,无论大小。这将帮助您确定可以削减开支并节省金钱的领域。

3. 减少不必要的开支:避免在您不需要的东西上花费,如昂贵的咖啡、不必要的订阅或品牌产品。

4. 寻找优惠和折扣:始终留意折扣、优惠券和折扣代码。通过购买打折或折扣商品,您可以节省大量金钱。

5. 使用您的学生身份证:许多商店、餐厅和场所会为持有有效学生身份证的学生提供折扣。利用这些折扣来节省金钱。

6. 在家做饭:外出就餐可能很昂贵,尤其是如果您经常这样做。尝试在家里做饭。这不仅可以节省金钱,而且可能更健康。

7. 避免信用卡债务:在使用信用卡时要小心。仅在您能够支付的情况下使用信用卡,并尽力每月全额还清以避免利息费用。

8. 找到赚取额外现金的方式:考虑找一份兼职工作、销售未使用的物品或做自由职业工作来赚取一些额外现金。每一分钱都有帮助!


For an employee, how to arrange your working time effectively is the key to success. The word effective means you should do a lot of work, do it perfectly in a limited time, and make the most of your working time. We can set an example.

When you enter or go to the company on a regular morning, all the things you should do in these days should come to your mind. You can list them in order of priority according to this list. You can know what you should do and paste it on your desk so that when you are confused, you can see it The focus should be on time.

Completing a task on time is a key point, and you can add expected effort and result effort items to your to-do list as a back-up. The most important thing is that you should focus on a job that most people want to have a comfortable working state. For example, they like to listen to music or chat with others, do a bad job, even if you are listening to light music or talking about important topics.

I don't mean that you should ignore all the important things during working hours. If you want to do one thing, just To do it, you might say, it depends on real-time, but all of the above are in one direction. We all know to list all your tasks in one day, plan and record them, finish on time, and if you want to succeed in your work, follow it day by day.







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