
关于”介绍同学“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduce classmates。以下是关于介绍同学的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”介绍同学“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduce classmates。以下是关于介绍同学的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce classmates

① ② (3) my classmate Mary is one of my classmates. We are good friends. She is a little special because it is difficult to find a age girl so fat.

Some people say that she is like a big snowball with small smiling eyes and can speak. Mary is kind and warm-hearted. When someone in the class is ill and John has difficulties in learning, she will take care of him (her) It is to help him with his homework, because I can't knit a sweater; ② after class, she lent me a helping hand; when an old teacher has difficulty going upstairs, she is always the first to clean the blackboard.

She used to help him or her with a word. Whenever she needs help, she never stands by. Although she is very fat, she moves quickly and is full of vitality.

You can often see her on the playground, sometimes playing basketball or volleyball. I teased her and said, you'd better be a doorman and play football. She just said with a tolerant smile that this is something I admire her, because she has never been ashamed of herself.

For her father, there is an old saying that loveliness makes people beautiful. I think this is true because she is the sixth point Sweater ③ doorman [D & L R NTLI] ad. 5.

Inferiority complex. 6. Example of inequality.


① ②③④我的同学MaryMary是我的一个同学,我们是好朋友,她有点特别,因为很难找到一个十几岁的女孩这么胖,有人说,她像一个大雪球,有一双微笑的小眼睛,能说话,玛丽是善良和热心的,当班上有人生病时,当约翰学习有困难时,她去照顾他(她),玛丽总是帮他做功课,因为我不会织毛衣;②下课时,她借给我帮忙;当一位老教师上楼有困难时,她总是第一个擦黑板,她过去扶他或她一句话,每当她需要帮助的时候,她从不袖手旁观尽管她很胖,但她动作很快,充满活力。你可以经常在操场上看到她,有时打篮球或打排球,我取笑她说,你最好当个看门人踢足球③她只是宽容地笑着说这是我敬佩她的东西,因为她从来没有自惭形秽的心情⑤对于她的父亲来说,有句老话说可爱使人美丽我认为这是真的,因为她就是第⑥点①注意②织毛衣③ 看门人[d&:ki:p]n.④忍气吞声的[t&l r ntli]ad.⑤自卑的心情⑥不平等主义的例子。


In this way, I can also make a lot of friends. I am a member of the organization in my class. I think they are my strengths.

If you agree, I want to join this big family. In this way, I want to show myself and exercise myself, such as English songs and I will become a good member of this club. When I see your poster, I am very interested in your English drama club.

I have many hobbies in playing football. I hope I can be responsible for the organization of your club: my classmates like me very much, they all like our class activities.




Auckland has been a hot spot for a long time, but fortunately the reasons have changed. New Zealand's largest city and major international gateway are located on some volcanoes, but for several years no lava has flowed out of these volcanoes, which create huge park space, beautiful panorama and twin ports full of boats. In fact, Auckland's nickname is Sailing City, a large city with more than one million people (actually four cities), including the largest Polynesian settlement on earth, is famous for its multicultural charm.

The greatest attraction is all the waterfront real estate and land leisure activities, with various museums (including a highly respected Marine Museum) and the famous Kelly· Tarleton aquarium, with sharks, penguins and lots of marine life attractions: New Zealand's leading marine museum, located in Auckland's vibrant waterfront center, explores New Zealand's maritime history in world-class galleries, sails through the port in a traditional vessel from the roar, a carousel and a two-speed slide Enjoy the pure luxury of watching movies on the big screen in Hibiscus pool, relaxing massage, private steam, soft music and watell like private hot spring, sauna and massage bathtub "Waiwera thermal" Resort's naturally heated water provides everyone with a colony of king penguins and Gentu penguins on the highway just north of Auckland, Kerry talton's Antarctic encounter and underwater world view, watch them swim and dive under the ice sheet, then travel deep into the ocean, face to face with awe inspiring deep-sea shark predators, Auckland animals only a few centimeters away The park is New Zealand's largest gathering place for local and exotic animals. Explore the rainforest, the hippo River, the pridland (African savannah) and primate trails. Explore the wilderness.

Experience the seal and Penguin coast, where you can see the amazing underwater viewing window o (∩) OO (∩) O.


奥克兰是一个很长一段时间的热点地区,但幸运的是原因已经改变了新西兰最大的城市和主要的国际门户位于一些火山上,但是已经有好几年没有熔岩从这些火山中流出了这些火山山创造了巨大的公园空间,美丽的全景和充满船艇的双港口事实上,奥克兰的绰号是帆船城,它是一个拥有超过一百万人的大城市(实际上是四个城市),包括地球上最大的波利尼西亚人聚居地,以其多元文化的魅力而闻名,最大的吸引力是所有的滨水地产和陆上休闲活动,有各种各样的博物馆(包括一个备受推崇的海洋博物馆)和著名的凯利·塔尔顿水族馆,这里有鲨鱼、企鹅和大量的海洋生物景点:新西兰国家海洋博物馆新西兰领先的海洋博物馆位于奥克兰生机勃勃的海滨中心,在世界一流的画廊中探索新西兰的航海历史,乘坐一艘来自“咆哮号”的传统船只在港口航行,旋转的旋转木马和双速滑梯,享受在芙蓉池中泡在大屏幕上看电影的纯粹奢华,享受放松的,享受的蒸汽、柔和的音乐和瀑布般的私人温泉,桑拿和浴缸“Waiwera Thermal Resort的自然加热水为所有人提供了仅在奥克兰以北的高速公路凯利·塔尔顿的南极遭遇战和水下世界观国王企鹅和根图企鹅的聚居地,观看它们在冰盖下游泳和跳水,然后深入海洋深处旅行,面对面地生活拥有令人敬畏的深海鲨鱼捕食者只有几厘米远的奥克兰动物园是新西兰最大的本地和外来动物聚集地,探索热带雨林、河马河、普里德兰(非洲大草原)和灵长类动物小径探索荒野新西兰体验海豹和企鹅海岸,在那里可以看到海豹令人惊叹的水下观景窗O(∩∩)OO(∩∩)O。





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