




I like to work as a volunteer. I want to do this because I am easy-going and can get along well with others. When I receive a task, I will try my best to make the best plan first, and then try my best to do it well.

I have a lot of experience. I once went to help a one-year-old man in the village. I helped him clean the windows, wash the clothes, and help him clean up.

I used to help in kindergarten. I sang some songs to them when I played the piano. I told some interesting stories to the children when I was in high school.

I once went to a primary school. I played games, partited in sports and played basketball with the students. I help them learn math, Chinese and English.

I also help them do their homework. If I can become a volunteer, I will try my best to do better. I like to be a volunteer.

I can have fun in helping and gain some social experience, which I think can help me prepare for a better future.





At the end of the interview, the human resources department asked the young MBA who had just graduated from MIT, "what's the starting salary you want?" The candidate said, "what's your starting salary, depending on the benefits?" The human resources person said, "well, what do you think of a five week paid vacation?" The company rents a car every year, for example, a red Corvette. "The engineer sat up straight and said," Wow, you're kidding. "The human resources department said," of course, but you started "MBA.




A Fresh Start in College


As a new chapter in life unfolds, entering college is an exciting and transformative experience for many students. It is a fresh start that brings with it numerous possibilities and opportunities for personal growth and development.


First and foremost, college offers a chance to meet people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It is a melting pot of ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Engaging with individuals who have different beliefs, values, and ways of thinking broadens one's horizons and fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of the world.


Moreover, college is a time when students gain independence and autonomy. Away from the watchful eyes of parents, they are responsible for managing their own time, decisions, and setting goals. This newfound allows them to explore their passions, pursue extracurricular activities, and take on leadership roles. The ability to make choices and take ownership of one's actions fosters self-reliance and personal accountability.


Additionally, college provides a platform for intellectual exploration and academic growth. Students have the opportunity to delve into subjects they are passionate about, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and conduct research. The rigorous academic environment stimulates critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. It is a time to push boundaries, expand knowledge, and develop expertise in a chosen field of study.


Lastly, college is a time for personal development and self-discovery. Students have the to explore their interests, values, and talents. They can engage in extracurricular activities, join clubs and organizations, and pursue hobbies. Through these experiences, they develop their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and establish a sense of identity and purpose.


In conclusion, college marks a new beginning, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth. It is a time to embrace diversity, take charge of one's life, expand knowledge, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With enthusiasm and determination, students can make the most of their college experience and lay the foundation for a successful future.







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