
关于”购物对话“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Shopping dialogue。以下是关于购物对话的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”购物对话“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Shopping dialogue。以下是关于购物对话的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Shopping dialogue

Shopping Dialogue 购物对话

A: Hi, can I help you with anything today?

嗨,需要我给你帮忙吗B: Yes, I'm looking for a new dress for a special occasion.


A: Sure, we have a wide range of dresses. What style are you looking for?

当然,我们有各种风格的连衣裙。你想要什么样式的B: I prefer something elegant and classy. Do you have any recommendations?

我喜欢优雅而有品味的款式。你有什么推荐吗A: How about this black, knee-length dress with lace details? It's perfect for a special occasion.


B: That looks beautiful! Can I try it on?

它看起来很漂亮!我可以试穿一下吗A: Of course! The fitting room is right over there.


(B tries on the dress in the fitting room)


B: It fits perfectly! I love how it accentuates my figure. How much does it cost?

它穿起来非常合身!我喜欢它如何突出我的身材。多少钱A: This dress is on sale for $50.


B: That's a great deal! I'll take it.


A: Wonderful! Would you like anything else?

太好了!你还想要其他东西吗B: Actually, do you have any accessories that would go well with this dress?

实际上,你们有适合这件连衣裙的配饰吗A: Definitely! We have a variety of necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Let me show you some options.


(B and A look at different accessories)


B: I think this silver necklace with a pendant would complement the dress perfectly. How much is it?

我认为这款带吊坠的银项链会很好地衬托这件连衣裙。多少钱A: The necklace is $25.


B: Great, I'll take the necklace as well.


A: Wonderful choices! Let me ring you up at the counter.


(B and A go to the counter to complete the purchase)


B: Thank you for your help and great service!


A: You're welcome! It was my pleasure assisting you. Enjoy your new dress and necklace!



A: 嗨,需要我给你帮忙吗?

B: 是的,我正在找一件新的连衣裙,准备参加一个特别的场合。

A: 当然,我们有各种风格的连衣裙。你想要什么样式的?

B: 我喜欢优雅而有品味的款式。你有什么推荐吗?

A: 这件黑色,及膝连衣裙,上面有蕾丝装饰怎么样?它非常适合特殊场合。

B: 它看起来很漂亮!我可以试穿一下吗?

A: 当然可以!试衣间就在那边。


B: 它穿起来非常合身!我喜欢它如何突出我的身材。多少钱?

A: 这件连衣裙打折,售价为50美元。

B: 太划算了!我要买下它。

A: 太好了!你还想要其他东西吗?

B: 实际上,你们有适合这件连衣裙的配饰吗?

A: 当然有!我们有各种项链、耳环和手链。让我给你展示一些选项。


B: 我认为这款带吊坠的银项链会很好地衬托这件连衣裙。多少钱?

A: 这条项链价格是25美元。

B: 太好了,我也要买下这条项链。

A: 很棒的选择!让我在柜台为你结账。


B: 感谢你的帮助和出色的服务!

A: 不客气!很高兴能帮助你。享受你的新连衣裙和项链吧!


A: Good afternoon, can I help you with anything today?


B: Yes, I'm looking for a new dress. Do you have any recommendations?


A: Of course, what's the occasion?


B: It's for my friend's wedding next month.


A: I suggest this one. It's elegant and perfect for a wedding.


B: That looks great. Can I try it on?


A: Certainly, the fitting room is right over there.


B: It fits me perfectly. I'll take it.


A: Great, let me ring you up.


B: Thank you for your help.


A: You're welcome, have a nice day.



Alusi, where are you going? I want to go to the supermarket and wait for a few minutes. Can I go there with you to buy a shopping cart? What are you going to buy? Let's go to the fruit section first. I want some oranges, but they don't look too ripe.

Good fresh cherries. They're ripe and soft. I want some.

I want some. I want some. Elliot goes to the snack bar.

I want some chocolate and candy. OK, I'll buy some cakes. Would you like to buy something else? No, let's go to the cashier.

A: can I help you? B: Yes, I'm looking for a jacket. A: what size do you wear: B: large a: what color B: any special brand B: it's not just simple and not too expensive a: how about this one? B: can I try it on, a: of course, B: how much is it? B: just yuan. B: OK, I'll take it.

Thank you,.


阿鲁西,你要去哪?我想去超市等几分钟,我和你一起去那儿买个购物车好吗?你打算买什么?先去水果区看看我想要些橘子,但看起来还不太熟,很好的新鲜樱桃它们成熟又柔软我要一些,我要一些,也要一些,艾利特去小吃部我想要一些巧克力和糖果,好的,我去买些蛋糕。你想买点别的吗?不,我们去收银台A:我能帮你吗B:是的,我在找一件夹克,A: 你穿多大码:B:大号A:什么颜色B:黑色A:任何特殊品牌B:不只是简单又不太贵A:这件怎么样B:我可以试穿一下吗,A:当然可以,B:多少钱A:只要元B:好的,我就买了谢谢。





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