
关于”2018浙江“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Zhejiang, 2018。以下是关于2018浙江的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”2018浙江“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Zhejiang, 2018。以下是关于2018浙江的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Zhejiang, 2018

2018 Zhejiang College Entrance Examination English Composition


As time p by, the College Entrance Examination is approaching. As an English expert for the Zhejiang College Entrance Examination, I would like to convey some inspirational words to all candidates. No matter what level of English proficiency you possess, thorough preparation and maintaining a positive mindset are the keys to success.


First and foremost, it is crucial to understand the structure of the examination. The English examination paper for the College Entrance Examination usually consists of three parts: listening, reading, and writing. Familiarizing oneself with the types of questions and requirements for each part is the foundation for effective preparation. It is advisable for candidates to practice by solving past papers and mock exams to enhance their test-taking abilities.


Secondly, expanding vocabulary and grammar knowledge is also an important aspect of exam preparation. It is crucial to avoid rote memorization and strive to improve through extensive reading and listening. Reading English materials, practicing listening exercises, and engaging in conversations with native English speakers can all contribute to developing a sense of language and understanding.


Furthermore, enhancing writing skills is crucial. Clarity of expression and structured thinking are indispensable in writing. Conducting writing exercises in advance and seeking advice from teachers and classmates can help rectify mistakes and improve the quality of written work.


Lastly, maintaining a positive mindset is the key to success. The College Entrance Examination is indeed a significant test, but there is no need to be overly nervous or anxious. Believe in your abilities, work hard, face all challenges with a positive attitude, and you will surely achieve good results.


In conclusion, the College Entrance Examination English test is not an insurmountable obstacle. Through thorough preparation, good study habits, and a positive mindset, you will be able to achieve proud results in the Zhejiang College Entrance Examination. Best wishes to all candidates for achieving their desired outcomes!



Protecting Our Environment Together

As we know, the environment is the foundation of human survival and development, but it's now under threat from various kinds of pollution. For example, air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution pose great risks to our health and the environment.

To protect our environment, we should take immediate and effective measures. Firstly, we should actively advocate a green lifestyle, such as using energy-saving light bulbs and reducing the use of disposable plastic products. Secondly, the government should strengthen environmental laws and regulations to prevent and punish pollution. Thirdly, we should raise public awareness of environmental protection by increasing environmental education and media coverage.

Only through joint efforts can we protect and improve our environment. Let's take action to make our world a better place to live.










As one of the partints of the "Green Campus Action" campaign organized by our school, I am writing to share my experience and feeling.

On May 10th, we gathered at the school hall to launch the "Green Campus Action" campaign, which aimed to raise awareness of environmental protection and encourage everyone to take actions to reduce carbon emissions. We had prepared various activities, including a waste sorting competition, a tree-planting ceremony, and a lecture on carbon footprint reduction.

Partiting in the campaign was an unforgettable experience for me. I learned a lot about how small actions could make a big difference in protecting the environment. For example, separating waste at the source can reduce the amount of garbage and help to promote recycling. Planting a tree not only beautifies our campus but also helps to absorb carbon dioxide and prevent air pollution. Moreover, it was inspiring to see so many people, from students to teachers, taking part in the campaign with enthusiasm and dedication.

In conclusion, the "Green Campus Action" campaign has reminded me of the importance of environmental protection and the role we can play in building a sustainable future. I call upon everyone to join hands and contribute to protecting our planet by adopting simple but effective actions in our daily life. Together, we can make a difference!





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